Steroids for Muscle injury recovery/rehab???


New member
Anyone know if you can use steroids to heal a strain or tear of a muscle? It seems intuitive that steroids should aid in the healing process since that is why they help so well in the gym, healing microtears, however just wanted to clarify if it would help with a large injury? I have had a kink in my back for 2 months now similar to when you wake up in the morning and you can't turn your head one way. I got it doing DB shoulder press, and trying to get that last rep. More recently however, I did something to my rear deltoid I think because my arm (tricep and side of bi/tri area) and the back of my shoulder always hurt pretty bad and certain motions I can really feel weakness in my arm/shoulder. The pain is has gotten a little better over a week, however it's still there. Would it be useful to gear up and rehab or just rehab? I am not currently on cycle. Thanks.
I ain't no doctor but that sounds like joint pain to me from lifting heavy. Deca does wonders for joint pain. I get that pain all the time in my rear delt. Makes me feel weak at times. Deca has worked every time. If you do decide to jump on make sure you use test as your base. Read the stickys on the top of this forum. There is alot more to it than just sticking a needle in your ass. The stickys will teach you alot! PCT's, AI's Ect.....Just take a few hours and read bro! Hope this helps!
Just to get it out of the way,
here are some stats: Been working out consistently since I was 20, I'm 29 yrs old now, 5' 7.5", 160-165lbs, 12% BF. I've done one short cycle back in 2008 of Test C (250 mg/wk) weeks 1-5, Dbol (15 mg/day) weeks 1-4, arimidex 1mg/eod weeks 1-4, then clomid 20mg/day weeks 6, 7, & 8. Only sides noticed was back acne. I have since stayed with no script supplements. Did methyl 1-alpha, spawn twice, and only used otc AI's/SERM's (if you can really call them that) and otc supps for post cycle therapy (pct). Got some small gyno each time that went after a while. I do have some gyno a little bit currently as I just ended (like a month ago) my last cycle of a half bottle of spawn I had left over from a year and a half ago or so (again used otc stuff for estrogen which obviously never works).

Thanks Ink. Yeah I've been doing a lot of research about it but everyone seems to have a different opinion of what the problem is. I noticed it about 10 hours after I had done a normal back/shoulder day at the gym, so I'm guessing I did something then. It's a lot better now though as far as pain goes, but it does feel weak it seems, though I can't tell if it's just me being scared unconsciously that I'll hurt it again (babying it) sec....yeah something def feels different. Just went out in the garage and put on 185 (usually light weight for me) and benched it real quick. The first rep was awkward, my right arm felt a bit weak, but the remaining reps felt ok, just did 5, and yes I stretched and warmed up first. Guess at this point my plan is to just start slowly working up to where I was on all my upper body lifts in a sort of rehab fashion. For bench I was starting at 205 (6 reps), then 225 (8), 225 (8), 245 (3, 2 more with help), finish with 225 (8).

I'm wanting to do another cycle of real gear here soon. Wondering if I should wait til the shoulder feels closer to 100% and til the gyno goes away. What do you think Ink? Anyone? I'm thinking if I use actual script AIs/SERMs that it will prevent the gyno this time and maybe even clear it up or allow it to clear up a bit quicker. Planning on doing Test e (500mg/wk) for 8 or 10 weeks, dbol 40mg/day for the first 3 or 4 weeks (front load), arimidex .5 mg/day or eod for 8 or 10 weeks (entire cycle), post cycle therapy (pct) of Clomid 50mg for 3 or 4 weeks commencing 1 week after my last injection of test e. And then will probably used otc Post Cycle Support for a couple weeks after. What are your thoughts Ink? Anyone?

Thanks in advance for any help.
yeah but why do roids if your not feeling ready for them or not interested in doing them. I mean if you wanna go to da darkside, cool. Don't take roids just as a healing medication. Thats why we have HGH, GHRP-6, TB-500, CJC-1295 ETC.... for. I hope for a quick recovery for you. It sucks being injured.
Just get some HGH, only thing with evidence behind it for joints. If you use deca you will feel better while on but twice as bad when you come off it.
Thanks for the advice. I'm not too familiar with HGH and those other products much. Are they injectables? What are dosages? Cycle times? What are the gains like? Maybe a good idea to do some of this before doing a cycle of gear, yeah?
Thanks for the advice. I'm not too familiar with HGH and those other products much. Are they injectables? What are dosages? Cycle times? What are the gains like? Maybe a good idea to do some of this before doing a cycle of gear, yeah?

I agree with SicVic. Do a little more research in to it. I would definitely look in to that TB500 (peptide). As for dosing of that. Guys are generally doing once a week injections sub-q of 2mg-5mg for 4-6 weeks. Then after that, they are just doing once a month injections and have been getting some great results with the TB500. Here is some info on it.......

Thymosin Beta 4 is a naturally occurring peptide. It is found in high concentrations in blood platelets, wound fluid and other tissues in the body. T***946;4 is not a growth factor; rather, it is a major actin regulating peptide. T***946;4 has been found to play an important role in protection, regeneration and remodeling of injured or damaged tissues. The gene for T***946;4 has also been found to be one of the first to be upregulated after a wound occurs.

Product Name: Thymosin Beta 4
Molecular Formula: C212H350N56O78S


Sequence (Three-Letter Code):Ac-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro-Asp-Met-Ala-Glu-Ile-Glu-Lys-Phe-Asp-Lys-Ser-Lys-Leu-Lys-Lys-Thr-Glu-Thr-Gln-Glu-Lys-Asn-Pro-Leu-Pro-Ser-Lys-Glu-Thr-Ile-Glu-Gln-Glu-Lys-Gln-Ala-Gly-Glu-Ser

Thymosin Beta 4is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring peptide present in virtually all human and animal cells, Thymosin Beta 4 (Tß4). It is a first-in-class drug candidate that promotes the following*:

Endothelial (blood vessels) cell differentiation
Angiogenesis (growth of new blood cells from pre-existing vessels) in dermal tissues
Keratinocyte migration
Collagen deposition; and
Decreases inflammation.
Thymosin Beta 4 offers many benefits to the equine world in performance racing. Recent trials by some of the world***8217;s leading trainers on their prize winning equine members of both genders, have been credited by a huge boost in their race-day results, something long desired in the racing world.

These trials along with clinical trials have indicated the following benefits associated with the use of Thymosin Beta 4 on mares and stallions*:

Relaxed muscle spasm
Improved muscle tone
Increase the exchange of substance between cells
Encourage tissue repair
Stretches connective tissue
Helps maintain flexibility
Reduces inflammation of tissue in joint
Enhances nutritional components in the animal
Prevents the formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments.
When these proven benefits are viewed in conjunction with the fact that 60% of a horse***8217;s body weight is muscle, it is clear to see the full potential of TB500 can be reviled in by majority of the horse***8217;s body.

In a racing era that surrounds itself around gaining that competitive edge through the use of various substances, none will deliver the results that will be experienced with the use of Thymosin Beta 4 Perhaps the greatest selling point of the product is that it***8217;s 100% DRUG FREE and DOES NOT SWAB. This allows the peptide to be used right throughout racing spells in both training and competition completely free of any banned substance.
Thanks for the PMs about TB500! Update on my shoulder, no pain whatsoever when doing any lifts however it is extremely weak! All of my lifts are cut in half pretty much for upper body (even bicep curls which seems odd). If I do notice any pain ever (and its very very minimal at best) its when doing any pulling type exercises like rows, pullups, etc. Trying to figure which muscle(s) is/are the culprit of the injury. Any ideas? I've emailed physical therapists about it, just curious if anyone knows or has had similar injury along with a diagnosis. Thanks.