Stick with light-heavyweight class or up to Heavyweight?


New member
Currently sitting at 215lbs. Debating on whether to try and pack on more mass for the heavyweight class or stick with the light heavyweight division for next year's contest. This will be my first showing for bodybuilding. Competed in physique last year and hated it. I showed up at 200lbs with 4-5% bf and was beat out by a guy that did not even have a full 6 pack. Wtf. I was at least 20 lbs heavier than anyone in my division with less bf than the closest guy who was about 8%. Having steady gains so far of 1lb every 10 days or so. I don't want to come in too light if I move up a class. Just looking for some insight.
You might be able to get to national qualifiers, but I think you have quite a way to go to actually contend at the national level. You have a really good base, but you're probably going to need another 30-50lbs to be a threat at that level.

My .02c :)

Edit: At the heavyweight class that is.
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You might be able to get to national qualifiers, but I think you have quite a way to go to actually contend at the national level. You have a really good base, but you're probably going to need another 30-50lbs to be a threat at that level.

My .02c :)

Edit: At the heavyweight class that is.

Wow thanks Halfwit! That put me in a lot better mood. I don't mind being in a lighter class, I would just hate to keep growing and have to shed muscle to do so. All my gains so far have gone straight to my thighs mostly as of late. I just don't get how some of my friends that are around the same weight and bf look so much bigger. It's very frustrating. I don't know if it's density or what. Maybe training style? I train with a lot of intensity,heavy,high volume where as they train with less volume but go for more of a pump I guess?
Wow thanks Halfwit! That put me in a lot better mood. I don't mind being in a lighter class, I would just hate to keep growing and have to shed muscle to do so. All my gains so far have gone straight to my thighs mostly as of late. I just don't get how some of my friends that are around the same weight and bf look so much bigger. It's very frustrating. I don't know if it's density or what. Maybe training style? I train with a lot of intensity,heavy,high volume where as they train with less volume but go for more of a pump I guess?

Just genetics most likely. Some guys are built to look huge and well defined, while the rest of us have to seriously work at it. Don't feel too bad, I don't think I'll ever be able to seriously compete as I'm so tall, I need to weigh around 340lbs at contest condition. That's like 60lbs away (subtracting fat weight), which is going to take some serious time and effort. That's IF my body can even support it, but I'll keep pushing - and I suggest you do the same! :)
Halfwit is spot-on with his comments...

You do have a great base, so just keep on building with what you have and you'll do great! :D
Psssst, hey SP - I can see your peepee. :wiggle:

Lol I guess if that's what draws your attention... ;)

Love the new avi pic by the way. Lookin killer man.

Thanks, first time in a posing suit instead of board shorts :D

Was really aiming for next spring but most likely summer. Just depends on budget really shit ain't cheap and I want to make sure I can do maybe 2 or 3 shows next year.

You might have enough time to move to the heavies then, but it's tough to say...if you're going to push for it, then I would suggest not getting hung up on which show you're doing or at least not your placing (one or the other)

If the show rolls around and you need to start prepping and end up at 208 shredded, that's not ideal you could either skip that show and add some more mass and try for at least 215 stage weight (is there a SHW class there?)

Alternatively you just suck it up and step on stage at ~208 knowing you won't be the biggest but maybe you can be the freakiest and best poser etc...
Just genetics most likely. Some guys are built to look huge and well defined, while the rest of us have to seriously work at it. Don't feel too bad, I don't think I'll ever be able to seriously compete as I'm so tall, I need to weigh around 340lbs at contest condition. That's like 60lbs away (subtracting fat weight), which is going to take some serious time and effort. That's IF my body can even support it, but I'll keep pushing - and I suggest you do the same! :)

How tall are you halfwit?