Still hungry bulking??


New member
So I just started my bulk cycle of test, tren last Saturday. Began bulking at 5200cals/day macros C/P/F 510/565/100. The first few days I was stuffed with distended stomach and all :) so I figured things were going well. Scale even jumped from 223 to 236 as of this morning.

But the past few days I've been damn hungry! Lol. Usually an hour after a meal I'm starving again. I HAVE upped training intensity and volume since starting the cycle obviously. So I take it my body is telling me to eat more? Or should I just ride the hunger out?
If your bulking and you can eat more......then eat! Until you actually see to much fat coming on. Some is ok while you are in bulking stage but nobody wants to much. OR don't increase anything until you see the scales stop going up. It seems like you put on 3lbs in a week which isn't bad. Is it tren A and test P or? Tren can make you pretty hungry and burns up that fuel pretty quickly. Make sure your eating clean. GJ getting down 5200 cals a day. That alone is impressive. For me to eat that much I have to feel stuffed all the time.
If your bulking and you can eat more......then eat! Until you actually see to much fat coming on. Some is ok while you are in bulking stage but nobody wants to much. OR don't increase anything until you see the scales stop going up. It seems like you put on 3lbs in a week which isn't bad. Is it tren A and test P or? Tren can make you pretty hungry and burns up that fuel pretty quickly. Make sure your eating clean. GJ getting down 5200 cals a day. That alone is impressive. For me to eat that much I have to feel stuffed all the time.

Sounds like a plan brotha. I'll up the cals by about 300, see how things go, and yes everything is clean. I compete so in my offseason I'm still trying to keep the bf gain to a minimum. I'm using test p and tren a. Yea typical cutting drugs, but I don't mind the ED pinning and I believe you actually get more "test" because of the shorter ester. Don't you get 80%+ from prop? And tren a incase of side effects it'll clear more quickly. Haha thanks, but I've never had much trouble eating, I love food :)
565 grams of protien a day is too much for you at your weight 350 would be fine. carbs and fats look ok, but i think you need to lower your protien.

if your hungry

carbs 600, protien 350, fats 100

see to much fat coming on lower the carbs back to 500. as you are gaining weight with 500 daily anyway.
Your right Ronnie! At his weight he cant have enough muscle to use all of that unless he was about 5ft.

One of the biggest bodybuilders id have to say ever, Markus Ruhl only had 400 grams of protien per day and he was well over 300lbs. his carbs were 800 grams a day though, his main source of protien was chicken and carbs was rice and oats.