Still RED


New member
hey doc, it's hip hop again and my face is still frickening red most of the day and worsens in late afternoons. It has been since monday i took a shot of test c 250 mgs and eQ 200 long should i expect this redness to last, and prior to this last injection i had only done 1 shot of test c at 250 mgs.on last wedesday..anyways ... could this little amount in just 2 weeks be enough to push my hemoglobin too high? thanks again...
HiHop... OMG. There is no doctor in his right mind out there that will give any advise related to a red face and AS.. It is obviously what you are injecting into your body!!! Try to cut way down!! try only Test.. and you may find a balance where you are happy.. Again, who knows whats in the stuff, you are injecting also?? I'Ve seen it all, believe me.. That is why I put my men on prescription "real" Test.. from CVS.. At least we know what we are dealing with... As for the Hct/Hbg blood issues, you should, for sure have a doctor checking these things.....The Anabolic Doc.
no, actually, i have been checking bp through out the day and always have and it is 120/80...almost everytime...and i had all my bloodwork done three weeks ago and looked great...therefore, as the doc is telling me...must be a reaction to test that my body goes through...quite annoying though...walking around with a lobster face..peace out
red face

doc, u misunderstand, I know u can't give advise reference as use, what i meant was it has been a week since my injection of test c and EQ and my face is still flush...I am not doing anymore injections but wanted to know how long u thought i will be flushed since its been almost a week? thanks...sick of looking like a lobster....
hey, bro, its been a few days and my cheeks r still pretty i don'y think it is working, however the redness has calmed down alot on its own since the its hard to say if it would have any effect if i was still really red and trying it. so i don't know what to tell u, bro, but i;d guess that it probably would not make any difference, so svae your cash. r u still real red? or r u off cycle?
I think its a vermilion flycatcher--tanagers have a much bigger bill and the whole back of their head is red. This guy has a little crest, too. Still a pretty bird.

Wonderful natural ] arthritis medications or?.. "NoFlam". What do you make of it?