Stomach flu right after cycle

Hey guys. So I came off cycle a couple weeks ago, been on PCT for about 2 weeks and am bridging with HGH,My weight had stabilized at around 185. thanks to really awesome timing and luck I caught some sort of stomach virus, I've had trouble eating for like 6 days in a row and have a bit of diahrrea.. I've been trying to about a similar amount of calories and protein and I've been doing an ok job but I still keep losing weight on the scales for some reason.. I'm down to 177 now which is actually one pound lighter than before my cycle.. Anyway I was wondering if I should still workout during this time (I guess technically I should only be losing water, not carbs or prots right) to avoid losing even more muscle? Thanks guys.
honestly i would just rest and get better, maybe a couple mild workouts during the week.
focus on lb when better IMO
I had a moment of weakness yesterday and did a shot of test prop.. I was so depressed and thought well i'm gonna end up on Trt anyway sometime.. What should I do is it too late to just keep going with the end of my PCT or just do another 3 month cycle and try to get on trt after that? I know it was stupid..
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