stomach pain on var....feels like I'm getting punched


New member
Hey guys a few days ago I started experiencing a slight pain by my abs and now it got worse.

It's on both sides.. feels like I'm getting punched in the abs almost a numbing feeling..

100mg eod test 50mg ed var
I take 200mg antibiotics for acne ed.. doxycycline for sides bacteria skin infections mainly

Also I weigh 180 5'10 I eat 2.3k call and 275g protein so my protein is up there

I use milk thistle

Wondering what the pain can befrom... liver? Stomach? Kidney?

Also 6 weeks on var so I'm about to drop that
Does the pain feel like it's coming from the muscles or internal organs?
Have you considered a blood test with kidney and liver values (meta_bolic panel)?

Maybe back off the protein intake a little in the meantime just in case.
Easy way to rule out the infamous "var pumps" is to go do triceps push-downs with a rope and use moderate weight. Control the negative portion of the exercise, bringing it up very slowly while keeping your posture upright. If by the fourth or fifth rep your abs feel like they're going to explode as they're so tight and full of blood - it's time for a good dose of taurine (4-6g ED).

If not, I totally agree that you should get a blood test done to make sure it's not your kidneys (usually pain in the back, but it can sometimes be felt by the sides of your abs) or your liver. Liver problems IME tend to give you grey looking shits before you feel pain, but of course we're all different. ;)

My .02c :)
My balls were in constant pain on Var..

Very odd

Day after I stopped it went away

That sounds bad. You think that maybe getting that checked out would be smart. Anyways, OP you definitely need to get your kidney and liver values checked out. Could be the pumps, but why run that risk.
Easy way to rule out the infamous "var pumps" is to go do triceps push-downs with a rope and use moderate weight. Control the negative portion of the exercise, bringing it up very slowly while keeping your posture upright. If by the fourth or fifth rep your abs feel like they're going to explode as they're so tight and full of blood - it's time for a good dose of taurine (4-6g ED).

If not, I totally agree that you should get a blood test done to make sure it's not your kidneys (usually pain in the back, but it can sometimes be felt by the sides of your abs) or your liver. Liver problems IME tend to give you grey looking shits before you feel pain, but of course we're all different. ;)

My .02c :)

Are those horrible pumps something everyone on var should experience? I'm running 100mg var a day atm and about 2.5 weeks in. No crazy pumps or anything yet. Tbh I never really had much faith in them being legit var (50mg tablets and quite cheap considering) but from what I'd read a lot of people said they were 'good fakes.' Either low dose var or tbol or something.
Are those horrible pumps something everyone on var should experience? I'm running 100mg var a day atm and about 2.5 weeks in. No crazy pumps or anything yet. Tbh I never really had much faith in them being legit var (50mg tablets and quite cheap considering) but from what I'd read a lot of people said they were 'good fakes.' Either low dose var or tbol or something.

I think it's a personal thing that just happens to be pretty common. Everytime I run var I get them; mostly in the back and calves, but I have had them in the abs a few times - those SUCK. It's really hard to call bunk, but I do think it helps if you know how your body reacts to other common orals. An example being that winny makes my knees ache, dbol makes me bloat (if I don't know it's dbol, and don't bump up the AI), tbol gives me faster strength gains than var, adrol gives me upset stomach/heartburn, et cetera.