Stone ColdNTO, DRveejay11, Needsize & Vets!- First Cycle Advice???

My first cycle was 500mg week test and 30mg ed weeks 1-4 dbol, and it was an awesome cycle. I gained 28lbs and kept 22lbs. As for the arimidex, wait and see if you need it, I've used almost a gram and a half of test per week, along with 80mg ed of dbol, and got no sides other than some water retention
Test @500mg/wk 1-10 weeks
Dbol @25mg/ed 1-4 weeks

Great results with that. I gained 25lbs with a test only cycle. Good luck
Wow! 28lbs is pretty damn good with the Test/Dbol combo! I think I'll stick with Test Enanthate only. I read an old article by Dan Duchaine that said all a newbie needed was Test Enanthate or Cyp@600mgs a week on a First Cycle to see outstanding gains. I think I'll run a low dose of Nolvadex at 20mgs EOD just to be on the safe side. I don't believe Nolvadex is all that detrimental to gains. If you take in the proper amount Calories and Protein, why wouldn't you???
It has been shown to lower IGF-1 levels, but, these studies werent done on males using High doses of Anabolics steroids, which inherently riase IGF-1 Levels. But, I wouldnt use it until either your nips get not as tight, or they itch. If it aint broke dont fix it.
If I could get a good, reliable Proviron source, I would use it over the Arimidex or Nolvadex. But everyone prices it so DAMN high, it's not an option.
I think your cycle is GREAT!!! I wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe a low dose of Nolvadex(at 20mgs EOD) to keep the water down and eliminate the chance of Gyno.
Well, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Nolvadex will reduce estrogenic water retention. Just not to the extent of Arimidex and the others.
Texas Ranger said:
Well, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Nolvadex will reduce estrogenic water retention. Just not to the extent of Arimidex and the others.

i am not sure how this is, since Nolva binds to the receptors in the breast tissue, It does not lower overall estrogen in the body. If you could please explain, because i have never heard this.
Texas Ranger said:
Well, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Nolvadex will reduce estrogenic water retention. Just not to the extent of Arimidex and the others.
Only place it could reduce water would be your breasts, hips, and ass, or in other words places with lots of estrogenic receptors. Which would be minimal at best. about 1/10 of what arimidex does.