Stone ColdNTO, DRveejay11, Needsize & Vets!- First Cycle Advice???

Millineum Man

New member
Guys, I've done a good amount of research and would like to get some constructive criticisim before trying my First Cycle. I've been working out off and on for 8 years. The last 2-3 years I have been eating and training, consistently. I'm 25 years old, 6'2" 235lbs and 9%bf. Since this is my First Cycle, I want to keep things simple as possible. Here's what I came up with. Test Enanthate @600mgs for 10 weeks with Arimidex@.5mgs EOD throughout. Post Cycle Recovery Program- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 1000ius 3 times a week(Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)weeks 10-11 along with Nolvadex at 20-40mgs ED weeks 10-15. No Clomid for me! My goal is to keep 15lbs of Lean Muscle. I was thinking about adding Dbol at 30mgs a day for the first 4 weeks(10mgs caps, 3 times a day), but that's still up in the air. So, what do you think? Sounds good???
If this is your first cycle I dont think you need to take 600 mgs a week of Test Enanth. Many take as little as 250 mg of test away with great results. It is your first cycle, you can grow off anything. Save higher dosages for future cycles. For your weight however I would suggest 500 mg of Test a week (for 10 weeks) with perhaps 25-30 mg a day of dbol for the first four weeks.
400-500 mg/week of test should be plenty. If you feel the need to add the dbol I would keep it at 20 mg/day, but personally I would not even use it for the first time out...
Looks like you did your homework. 500mg/test per week with no dbol would be a great first cycle.
I agree w/ Brock; 300 to 400 of test should do you fine. The dbols may help initially (although every 4 hour dosing of 5mg might be preferable). Personally, I'd choose to jumpstart w/ test prop, and end w/ it.
You may or may not need the A-dex. Good you have it if you need it.
Use your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle, maybe 500iu's twice a week from mid-cycle on. Nolvadex after is fine.
Just one man's opinion.
at your weight 400-500mg of Test would work well. IMO stay away form orals until injectables no longer work. They are harsher on the body.
Test eananthate or cyp 400mg 1-10
dbol 20mg 1-4 (if you are deadset on the dbol)

I personally would not run adex but i would have nolva handy in case you develop symptoms of gyno
jcp2 said:
Test eananthate or cyp 400mg 1-10
dbol 20mg 1-4 (if you are deadset on the dbol)

I personally would not run adex but i would have nolva handy in case you develop symptoms of gyno


Welcome to the board!

PS: nice job at doing your homework
Great advice you've got here........

Go with 400 mg/week for 10 weeks & I would save the D-bol for another time.

Oh yeah..............Welcome to Steroidology !!! :D
Thanks for replying, fellas! Thanks for welcoming me to the board also! I'm going to be using underground Test Enanthate that's 400mg/ml(Accurately dosed). That's why I plan on using 3/4mls(300mgs) twice a week for more stable blood levels. So, do you think I should leave the Dbol out and just run Test Enanthate@600mgs for 10 weeks?
Millineum Man said:
Thanks for replying, fellas! Thanks for welcoming me to the board also! I'm going to be using underground Test Enanthate that's 400mg/ml(Accurately dosed). That's why I plan on using 3/4mls(300mgs) twice a week for more stable blood levels. So, do you think I should leave the Dbol out and just run Test Enanthate@600mgs for 10 weeks?

if you are goin to run 600 mg a week, then yes leave the dbol out this cycle. You can always use it later down the line when you will need it. 600 mg a week is PLENTY. you will see some great gains (assuming your diet/training is in check) best of luck:)
Oh! What's your opinion of using Arimidex throughout? Is it REALLY neccessary? I'm not scared of a little water retention(Just a little:D), but scared as a MOFO of Gyno. I'm also not comfortable with the wait and see approach when it comes to water retention and gyno protection. I've seen ALOT of guys develop Gyno this way. Not a pretty site.(Yuck!!):eek: What do you think about running a low dose of Nolvadex at 10mgs ED or 20mgs EOD throughout just to be on the safe side? Or just use the Arimidex at .5mgs EOD throughout? What do you think? Thanks again guys for ALL your help!!!
This all depends on whether or not you are gyno prone. Some can run very high test dosages with no worries. At 600 mg of Test, you shouldn't experience any problems, however to be on the safe side you could run a very low dose of idex (maybe .25 mg eod, and then work up to .5mg if needed). Like I said, if/how much you need is all dependent on the person. Some can do without, you just have to see how your body reacts
just keep nolva on hand , 600 a week without dbol would be fine imo.

good luck and welcome to the board
I would prefer not to use arimidex, but if your scared of gyno, start off at .25mg eod. I would honestly try without it, hit some nolva if the nips get itchy, then slowly start to admister arimidex. I belive water weight and estrogen are all good for gains.
You will get very good results off just Test 400-500mgs./week. Keep it really simple your first time. You can add the d-bol on your next cycle. Good Luck Bro, keep us posted!

OOOH, by the way WELCOME BRO!!!!!!!!!!