Stopping testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Temporarily


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Stopping TRT Temporarily

How long after stopping testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will it take for my levels to crash? I was on 400mg cyp and 400mg deca / week.

I'm trying to get insur. to pay for some of this. That's my reason for stopping for a while.......and man do i feel like shit right now. It will be 2 weeks on friday since my last test/deca shot.

Is this self-prescribed? No doctor I know prescribes those doses. Especially not with equal doses of Deca and Test. That's retarded.

As for when it zeroes out, you have to look at half lives. For example, you took a shot (400mg) of test 2 weeks ago. Assuming its LE like Cyp or Enan, with a 7 day half life (give or take), after a week you'd have 200mg left. A week later, 100mg. That's where you'll be this Friday. The following Friday 50mg. And so on.

Stopping TRT/HRT even temporarily is not a smart move. Why are you stopping anyway? You run out?
Sorry, i should have been more specific. I was shooting 200 cyp and 200 deca on Tuesdays and Fridays for a total of 400 each.
My prescribed dose is 200 of each every week.
Like I said, I'm trying to get my insur. to pay for some of these shots. I'm paying for everything out of pocket. I would be nice if I could get a 200mg shot every 2 weeks from a Dr. in my network. Or better yet, get 100mg every week. But with my levels where they are now, I'll never get any Dr. to do that.

You didn't notice any side effects on this dose? What did you notice the deca did? Just curious. Your levels should crash a week after an injection on those doses.
Aside from a few zits on my sides and one on my neck every once in a while, I didn't notice and sides.
I really can't say I noticed anything from the deca. I didn't have joint paint before starting deca, other than my shoulder which I still had when I was on it. It didn't make my strength go through the roof. I would think at that dose, I should have noticed a bid difference......right? How long would it take to notice a difference at that dose?
I'm calling the Dr. today to get an appointment. Probably will have blood drawn next week.
I can't take this emotional rollercoaster. I've cried like a little girl the past 2 nights. The last time I cried was 4 years ago.
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Sorry, i should have been more specific. I was shooting 200 cyp and 200 deca on Tuesdays and Fridays for a total of 400 each.
My prescribed dose is 200 of each every week.
Like I said, I'm trying to get my insur. to pay for some of these shots. I'm paying for everything out of pocket. I would be nice if I could get a 200mg shot every 2 weeks from a Dr. in my network. Or better yet, get 100mg every week. But with my levels where they are now, I'll never get any Dr. to do that.


I'm still confused. Sorry. So an actual doctor is prescribing this for you? If so, why didn't you get it covered from the get go?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Either way, if you have to stop enough to get your levels to crash its gonna suck for a few weeks.
How long after stopping testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will it take for my levels to crash? I was on 400mg cyp and 400mg deca / week.

I'm trying to get insur. to pay for some of this. That's my reason for stopping for a while.......and man do i feel like shit right now. It will be 2 weeks on friday since my last test/deca shot.


You are in for a severe crash. I truly feel for you. Seeing that you cannot pin your hopes on getting any test/deca anytime soon. I strongly suggest that you get some ancillaries to protect yourself from a complete meltdown. Ideally if you had some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), or nolvadex/clomid you could save yourself from the crash. But since you don't- go out to your local supplement store or pharmacy and get some ZMA, some Vitamin B6, and perhaps a powerful test booster with anti-estrogen components. This will lessen the sting of the crash and at least help you in someways with your androgenic homeostasis and essential feeling of well being. Again understand I am only suggesting band aids not solutions. I hope you can resolve your dilemma.

You are in for a severe crash. I truly feel for you. Seeing that you cannot pin your hopes on getting any test/deca anytime soon. I strongly suggest that you get some ancillaries to protect yourself from a complete meltdown. Ideally if you had some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), or nolvadex/clomid you could save yourself from the crash. But since you don't- go out to your local supplement store or pharmacy and get some ZMA, some Vitamin B6, and perhaps a powerful test booster with anti-estrogen components. This will lessen the sting of the crash and at least help you in someways with your androgenic homeostasis and essential feeling of well being. Again understand I am only suggesting band aids not solutions. I hope you can resolve your dilemma.


great advice about ancillaries, but i wouldn't go OTC. They won't do much. Get with one of the good research sites who sell liquid ancillaries like RUI or Sten.

But like was said above, if you were prescribed as having low test naturally, this will only help subside the crash some, not fix the problem long term.
I'm still confused. Sorry. So an actual doctor is prescribing this for you? If so, why didn't you get it covered from the get go?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Either way, if you have to stop enough to get your levels to crash its gonna suck for a few weeks.

The clinic Dr. in FLA prescribed 200cyp and 100 deca (sorry, I said 200 deca before). I ordered extra of each and and was doing my own dose of 200/200 for a while.
I couldn't get any Dr. to give me shots with levels of 300 for a 34-36 year old man. They said I was in the normal range.
Thanks for the replies guys. I went to the Dr. today and figured I'd get a script to go have blood work done somewhere just like last time I was there. Well, that didn't happen. They drew the blood right there and sent it out. I was gonna get the script and wait til next Friday to have the blood drawn. This was about 1PM so they should be a little lower than 8AM which is when I usually have it drawn. I just hope my levels were low enough. I should find out by Friday or Monday.