Storing your gear!

Ive left thst shit in my car for weeks.on summer...left it in.a backpsck outside plenty of times in the winter.. It doesnt matter from.all the years of using gear never have i had an issue or it has gone bad on me
Ive left thst shit in my car for weeks.on summer...left it in.a backpsck outside plenty of times in the winter.. It doesnt matter from.all the years of using gear never have i had an issue or it has gone bad on me

no offense, but i dont think that's good experience to be throwing around without stating at least what location your at.. 50 degree winter nights in florida is a lot different then -10 Chicago night....

i've personally left a bottle in the car during February and it crashed pretty quickly..
I store my PCT in my anus while i'm on cycle. I figure if I end up going to jail for some reason during cycle, at least I can PCT while i'm locked up...
Haha who says im from.chicago.. Live in NY it drops down for max 30-40 at night never had an issue.. been doing it for years young buck!! Im not saying its car im sayin theres been times i left it there haha..
Haha who says im from.chicago.. Live in NY it drops down for max 30-40 at night never had an issue.. been doing it for years young buck!! Im not saying its car im sayin theres been times i left it there haha..

noone said your from chicago... I'm from chicago and i've had bottles crash on me forgetting them in the car
I keep mine in a tackle box....Funny story my mother in law came over one time and asked "Why is there a tackle box on your table? You don't fish!" I said "it stores my steroids" and she just laughed. I put it up and that was that.
Ive left thst shit in my car for weeks.on summer...left it in.a backpsck outside plenty of times in the winter.. It doesnt matter from.all the years of using gear never have i had an issue or it has gone bad on me

I wouldn't advise that unless you want a criminal record.
I keep mine in my medicine fridge at work. Im the only one with the key. I pin in my office as i can lock the door and get paid to pin, so i take my time.
When I was younger and started cycling, I shot up like 40 lbs in 6 weeks and parents got really really suspicious.. asked me for the keys to my safe. They opened it up and found a test booster, c4 and milk thistle.. hehe I was 1 step ahead of them.. told them that test booster was the real deal. Little did they know my shit was in the on top of ceiling tiles lol
When I was younger and started cycling, I shot up like 40 lbs in 6 weeks and parents got really really suspicious.. asked me for the keys to my safe. They opened it up and found a test booster, c4 and milk thistle.. hehe I was 1 step ahead of them.. told them that test booster was the real deal. Little did they know my shit was in the on top of ceiling tiles lol

Brilliant!!! I do something similar...with wife and kids i make sure every day they see me take all of my supplements, including "test booster", which is really NAC. Gotta play it smart friends, for it keeps the questions to a minimum! :)
I like the diversion approach. Keeping some OTC test booster in the safe and the gear elsewhere. Brilliant. It helps that I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) so I have a legit reason to have pins, a vial of test cyp, and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) easily accessible on top of the safe.
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