Strength cycle suggestions


New member
Currently running 1250mg Test E per week. Jst finished 3 weeks of dbol 50mg ED. I want to take a few weeks off from the oral and then i'm going to hit some var but in the mean time i'd like to add a short ester, non liver toxic drug that would add strength.

Any suggestions.
1250mg test? Nice! Running var would be good.
Currently 500mg test sust,400mg eq and 40mg Anavar (var). Like the mix and adding solid muscle with lots of vasc.
I love var but don't want to run 11 weeks of orals.... I need to take at least 2 more weeks off orals. Maybe I could add some test prop or some test susp.
The strongest i have been i was running test e, tren e, var.. weights just flew up. i can't wait to hit that again!
sides are lower than deca, but again, not much strength. I think you're over analyzing the gear bro.. you know as well as anyone that test only will be fine for strength gains if you dont want any more orals...
Overanylizing maybe. I want to utilize any advantage I can.

WHat do you guys think about adding some prop?

WHo has tried suspension?
The way i see it test is test. Just up the dose the closer to comp time if you feel like you need it and add in the orals 5 weeks out. You could always stack the dbol and var together i'm sure it wont kill you. I might try that as well to see the strength benefits.
He's right, test is test. If tren isn't an option and neither are orals, you don't leave much, if anything.
Trevdog said:
He's right, test is test. If tren isn't an option and neither are orals, you don't leave much, if anything.

Yeah I don't know what kind of answer he was looking for. PL'ers do seem to love susp so maybe try some of that out.
IMO rocc, you got caught up in the "orals are going to kill you" craze. Ive mentioned this before but I've combined Dbol and halo for 6 weeks and my buddy combines var and halo constantly. I only get my blood work done every so often, he gets it done very often and his blood work comes back clean as a whistle. Some people even do the orals year round. What im getting at is they aren't as bad as 80% of the internet gurus say they are
roccodart440 said:
Tren and I don't get along. No tren.

ANyone try NPP? How was the stength? Sides?
No sides from NPP. Dont notice a difference in strength between taking NPP or anything else. But I love deca just for the fact that it has no sides.
pineapple said:
No sides from NPP. Dont notice a difference in strength between taking NPP or anything else. But I love deca just for the fact that it has no sides.

I'm on Npp and Test prop 100mg of each eod and I gotta say i'm really likeing the combo. It's comeing up on 5 weeks now and I;m up around 8 to 9 pounds. Now i wount lie my diet could be better but there is no doubt I am stronger for shure just for example now keep in mind I don't concern myself with how much i can lift I just lift what I lift but 1 or 2 examples my 45pound straight bar curl went from like about 95 to 105 depending on how my head (mentaly) is that day to now i am doing 120 125lbs. My flat dumbel press was at like 80 to 85 lbs to now doing 100lbs dumbels like 5 times. So for me I love the npp and prop. sorry i forgot i am also on 30mg of var a day as well. OK most important thing and I fucking swear to god I have very very very if any at all water waight i feel like I look the best I have ever looked. Also keep in mind now i am 39 and i just lift not for comp or aneything. So just thought I would put my stamp of love for that npp and prop. Which 1 more thing is my first time I have mostly always just done regular orogon Deca and sust.
tren and me do not get along.

I agree test is test. I'm just thinking adding the prop will get the levels up quicker and if I need to I can drop them, quick too.

No one has tried suspension?

I guess I did get caught up in the orals will kill you bit. I also ran the dbol for only 3 weeks becasue that's how much I bought. I have a bunch of Anavar (var).

I guess unless you guys have any trick suggestions i'll start the var and up the test to 1500mg EW.