Strength gains retained after anavar cycle?

Epic Ed

Still acting 1/2 my age
Just curious to get the input of those of you who have run anavar. Were you able to retain your strength gains post cycle, and if so, to what degree? Give me a percentage estimate or something.

And before you ask:

- 43 y/o
- 205 lbs
- 15.5% BF
- I've run 5 cycles: test, test/deca, test/deca, test/deca/tren E, test/NPP.
Anavar is weak, you need atleast 100mg everyday and its expensive.
Unless you have liver problems, get some dbol.. you wont be let down.
Breakfast for champions for a reason.
I've had very good strength gains with anavar - but I run it different than most people...

Anavar is a "Class I" steroid and is most efficient with a "Class II" steroid - such ad Dbol or Anadrol.

You'll be breaking the - only one oral rule - except you can run each one at a lower dose - so it isn't as bad as maximizing two orals.

I run Anavar at 60 and Dbol at 30mg ed.

For me - the combo is like Dbol on steroids without the bad sides of running Dbol at 50mg - plus I can run this much longer...

The last time I ran this combo - I decided to test my dose levels of T3 and put myself into a catabolic state and actually set myself back a month or so ... "as far as progress."

This time I quickly moved up another level - higher - than I was before testing my T3.

By the way - T3 is fine - but I would never go above 75mcg ed.

To sum it up - I can't really give you a fair assessment on my - after cycle gains as of yet.

But I do love running Anavar "with" Dbol. :)
I should clarify -- my goals for this cycle aren't size based. Strictly strength. In fact, I'd prefer to fly a bit below the radar in terms of noticeable size gains. I'm not facing drug testing or anything like that -- it's just the company I'll be running with over the next few months might start asking questions if I blow up. So, I'm debating on running an anavar/test cycle but due to the expense of the anavar I'm trying to decide if it's worth doing so. The only way it makes sense for me is if I'm able to maintain most of the strength gains post cycle. I know a lot of variables will play into that outcome (especially diet) but I'm trying to get an idea of other people's experiences.

Also forgot to mention I'm on HRT and will be returning to a test cyp 200mg EW regiment post cycle.
You're going to be running your HRT dose throughout this oral cycle, right?

If you're looking for straight strength gains... you might look to see if you can get ahold of Alpha One by CEL or Methyl-1-Alpha. It's a prohormone to M1T, but an active steroid on its own as well. I found the results it gave me were less size oriented than Dimethazine, but the strength increase was incredible. I was quite surprised at the results for an OTC bottle of pills. Not sure how available it is anymore.
I'll look into it. I've never jacked with the prohormones because they're usually a horrible bang for the buck even if they do work. I'll be bumping my HRT dose up from 200mg to 400mg EW during cycle.
You would get strength gains from pretty much any oral, but with strength comes size. Anavar or winstrol will both do it. They're both pretty hard on your cholesterol though.
What if you forget the Anavar (var) and add I'm a small amount of tren E, like 200-250 for a slightly longer time since you are on Hrt anyway.
Anadrol is for Strength? Never used Anadrol but i have read you gain strength so fast that your tendons/joints fuck up big time.
Pretty sure Halotestin is also for strength.

Anadrol & Halotestin are both harsh on liver, where is Anavar you would be safe.
nothing work like Anadrol for strenght. you will gain strenght with anavar, but thats nothing like d-bol or anadrol , but you will loos the strengt in few weeks after you stop
its on you when it comes to keeping the gains.Good diet and good post cycle therapy (pct).

when i did supedrol i was eating 3700-4000 calories a day, my bench went up a lot and i gained lotta weight.After a good post cycle therapy (pct) i upped my calorie 5000 and i kept the strenght and my weight.Only thing that went down was my ENDURANCE.

Get your diet in check.Good luck
nothing work like Anadrol for strenght. you will gain strenght with anavar, but thats nothing like d-bol or anadrol , but you will loos the strengt in few weeks after you stop

thats not true.
Every1s body is different.Some ppl get super strong on winstrol, some people get super strong on dbol.Some dont..

i disagree....the gains from ana Anavar (var) are wayyy easier to keep than d bol or a bombs. the gains are not as drastic which makes them easier to keep. You wont prolly gain as much weight/strength as d bol/anadrol but post cycle therapy (pct) will be much easier.

60/70/80/80/80 is what i did....loved it...had tes E @ 400

you do need to dose it @ 60mg + tho. and doing that for 6-10wks is anywhere from 200-400 for just the Anavar (var) . when you think an average bottle of test is 40-50 bux the Anavar (var) is 5x $$$

i have only used it once for that reason.
You really can't tell how you will retain based off anyone else. Some keep a lot, some lose a lot, and some aren't willing to admit the truth. Lol.

All depends on your body and a million other factors.