Strongest Non-Aromatizing AAS for pure muscle gain (outside tren)

Masteron, primo, proviron, var, winny.. Do not.. EQ so little it could be added to the list as well, perhaps tbol.

But the most ANABOLiC non aromatizing compound known to man (besides food) is Tren
Hmm, only because maybe you'll be looking here again in a minute. SARMs don't aromatize cool, do they all shut you down?

They cause shut down but it probably a tenth of what aas cause in shut down. And they are pretty comparable to aas in terms of strength. Most are not toxic so they can be stacked with virtually anything. They are a gift from the iron gods. Sarms Search has the best product. Thier a sponsor here and you can get a 30% off discount with them.
I was under the impression that being shut down, was being shut down. You know? Like it's just a simple on/off. If you're off for any amount of time, and of course not on TRT, you'd want to introduce some exogenous hormone to replace what you're not making.

If there is such thing as a milder shut down, would you please explain it? I'm not being sarcastic, I really am asking here.

My question I suppose is, if using SARMS at preferable doses for muscle sparing, or strength, growth (I don't know their full potential, just throwing shit out there), would I or anyone else need to run test?
Some compounds cause your body to shut down test production completely with in a little over a week. 1 test can cause complete shut down in as little as a few days. There are people that have ran var only cycles and thier test production has slowed but not completely stopped. I'm sure if they continued the var for a long duration they would eventually be completely shut down. That's all I meant shut down is not as bad or quick with sarms as compared to traditional aas. On a shut down scale 1-10 1-test=10 var=2 sarms=1

hope that's explained well.

There are guys that have ran sarms along side clomid from the start of the cycle and did not need a pct because thier test actually increased.
Hey man, so what Sarm or combination of Sarms would be good for muscle sparing while cutting?

And, what's the Clomid protocol one would use alongside the Sarm(s)?

This could be very beneficial to me in my upcoming cut, and wouldn't keep me from doing a cycle a few weeks after finishing it. Right? :)
Not if its real and deca is one of the most mild anabolics. Its actually rated the safest anabolic for females.

With that said I love deca

Nandrolone is more anabolic than testosterone. It's the low androgenic trait that makes it desirable for females. Oh, it doesn't count for the purposes of this thread though - it aromatizes. ;)
Yes yes I was just commenting on the anavar statement.

And also very true.. I should've been much more specific. Thank you for correcting.
Methyl-1-Testosterone. A VERY strong compound. A guy can potentially gain 15-20lbs of dry muscle in a short 4 week period at a dose of 10mg/day.

It works, plain and simple. But I found the negatives to be too much myself.
Methyl-1-Testosterone. A VERY strong compound. A guy can potentially gain 15-20lbs of dry muscle in a short 4 week period at a dose of 10mg/day.

It works, plain and simple. But I found the negatives to be too much myself.

Would you mind elaborating on the side effects you experienced and at what dosages? Do you think the side effects can be mitigated or managed through additional supplementation? Or is it simply something that goes with the territory when using this compound?
Howd you find the negative side effects? Ive ran it and although i had great gains from it the negatives were too much for me!!!!

Sides weren't bad at all for me actually. I took 20mg/day and I may have broke out a little but nothing nasty. Might just be my kind of oral ha.
Adrol had worse sides for me
For me, and thats not saying it will happen undoubtedly if you take it, as side effects from compounds vary from person to person. I ran it at 10mg/day. I did have great LMM gain and strength gains. But, it zapped my libido to non existant, i was VERY aggresive, moody, unhappy, generally miserable and BP was a huge issue. I experienced very bad nose bleeds quite often. So for me, not worth the gains in the least my friend.

How could one manage these side effects? Well, BP can be kept at bay with things such as Cialis and No2. Libido can possibly be kept up with the addition of injectable testosterone. As far as mental side effects, no real way to keep those at bay you either get them or you dont. But IMO a person with their head screwed on straight should be able to manage them.