Strongest PH to buy?


New member
I'm looking for the strongest available PH to buy, what are your opinions? I was thinking of trenavar but it seems really expensive. How much/how many bottles would a complete cycle cost?
5'3 155lbs 10% first time cycling

OK, i suggest you try something milder for a first cycle. Its best not to run the strongest thing with the harshest side effects right off the bat. I wouldn't recommend running any PH without testosterone though. If I were you I would research that and just run a testosterone cycle.
I've never heard of someone stacking Test+ PH, ok so H drol is milder so i'll start with that. Letrozole will be SERM. Have liver aid, anything else I should know?
I've never heard of someone stacking Test+ PH, ok so H drol is milder so i'll start with that. Letrozole will be SERM. Have liver aid, anything else I should know?

are you serious? people stack ph's and test all the time. Anything strong enough to shut down your natty test (SD, H-drol, Epi, etc) SHOULD be run with a test base. Superdrol is great for for kicking starting a test cycle and Epi is a great way to harden up at the end of a test cycle.

You should not cycle anything if you think letro is a SERM, and you're an idiot asking for the strongest ph when its your first cycle.
Beastdrol off I took it last year as my first ph and I be damn if I wanted more. It is strong as hell, just make sure to have support supps in hand. IML Cycle suppot or BPS endosurge make good combo off Orbit. GL
prolly superdrol or M14d. hdrol is not nearly as strong..but will give very good results(lean mass gain and some OK strength increase). i like it a lot. Epi is hit or miss for most people. it didnt do much for me except i got good strength...but worked awesome for my friend.
Superdrol will do the trick without a doubt (Beastdrol). But its a heavy hitter and not the best for someone if its their first time.
Superdrol is the best out right now. The only think to top it that I've tried is m1t. It was a little harsher but definitely stronger, it was banned a few years ago. So yea the strongest legal prohormpne is SD.
I love the "old" Cyclo Bolan if you can find a bottle. I have 1 left that Ive had for a long time now (dont use PH's anymore though).
I'd go with beast.....or a dienelone product aka PH Tren. if you can find it.....trandermal 1-T Tren from PP is supposed to be phenomenal. Been discontinued for some time but have heard guys put on 10lbs of solid mass running it solo.