Substance in pic?


Informed Member
This is a bottle of tren that I made about 2yrs. ago now. It has been in my closet since then. I have used about half of it when I made it. I noticed as it has set over time that it has gotten this dark stuff in the bottom. It is stuck to the bottle but when I heat it, it turns loose in the bottle and looks like darker oil floating around in it. Do I just need to re-filter and maybe this is just some of the hormone that didn't get filtered/broken down good when I did it?
One time someone made some tren from one of those finaplex kits online, and the shit was dark like yours even had a large size vial like yours.......Well then someone else made it and it was more of a yellow color, and as it turned out the yellow colored stuff worked much better than the dark stuff, also the tren someone else has right now is clear and wouldn't you know it, that stuff works too! I would toss that stuff start over and use a better syringe filter next go round or just shop around a little tren is cheap. Someone I know got some from Hardcore Pharma for 75 a bottle.
So what do you think that is in the bottom of my bottle? From what I have read it just may be a bad filtering job I did. I hate to chunk it, but if I have to I will. I did get tren cough from this one and i didn't the last one! And have I been gone that long and things have changed so much that most don't buy kits online anymore?
The gear is just crashing, its just crystallizing. Thats why when you heat it up it goes back to its original form. You could still use it if you want, if its sterile, but if you have been drawing out of that same bottle for two years I would throw it away. When I finish a cycle and there is gear left in a bottle, I will either extend the cycle to finish the gear or it goes in the trash can. Every time time a pin enters that bottle it compromises the sterility of the gear and over time bacteria can grow. It just increases your chance of infection.
Filter again, and maybe add some more BA again. No need to waste gear!

The hormone is crystalizing, they are lipossoluble hormones, so if you didn't used a high concentration probably you haven't heated enough well to the melting point, or you may have exposed it to cold temp meanwhile! Eitherway if it was properly filtered it should be all right. But if you ever draw a pin of it a left it for too long I would consider re-filtering.
I have tren i brewed up a year ago that looks just like that... when I get ready to use it I will heat it up a bit (not to much) and then refilter it thru a .22 filter.. it probably does not need to be refiltered but it will help me sleep better at night... :)
Alright here's what i did. I purchased me some whatmans and I just refiltered. It looks a whole lot clearer now the way it should. I am heating in the oven as we speak. I believe it is ok now. Thanks for the help, this stuff should get used starting Jan. 1 that is the plan.