Sudden Chest Pain WTF?


Anabolic Wannabe
- Not overweight
- Used to be 50kg overweight
- Not currently cycling
- Not a drug user (used to smoke a little weed every now and then)
- Dont Drink or Smoke

Lately (Passed 3weeks), i have been getting really bad chest pain on the left side, so the heart.
Its very random, and mainly occurs DURING or AFTER cardio.
When im doing cardio, i have to stop.. because soon as i take a deep breath it hurts bad, so i have to little short breaths repeatably.
I go dizzy for a few seconds during the pain (usually 3seconds, asif someone is squeezing my head)

It feels asif someone stabbed me with a knife.
After the pain occurs, the pain stops and my heart makes werid noises, it actully feels if my heart is 'burping' this is when im resting.

Just a little concerned, no pain in my arms or anything.
I just want to get a few decent cycles out before i die, know what i am saying homies.
This is a joke, Rite?

Why would you think this is a joke?
I'm concerned about whats happening with my heart.
Just wondering if other guys have a similar situation.
I'm not using gear at all, only done 2 cycles..
When i have sharp pains and my heart beat is irregular, its normal to ask questions.
Will do, i think it might be stress..
Stressing out because i have low test lol, seeing an endo in a month.. but im still stressing because of it, loosing gains, getting fat, estrogen higher then test.. stresses me out!!

even right now, i feel weird pains in the area and sometimes it shoots up my neck or across my shoulders.. i really dont know, i have had pains since i was young like 16, but they seem to getting worse and mid twenty's.
i dont want it to be a false alarm.. im happy to wait for a month.
if i die, who cares.. such is life!
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Will do, i think it might be stress..
Stressing out because i have low test lol, seeing an endo in a month.. but im still stressing because of it, loosing gains, getting fat, estrogen higher then test.. stresses me out!!

even right now, i feel weird pains in the area and sometimes it shoots up my neck or across my shoulders.. i really dont know, i have had pains since i was young like 16, but they seem to getting worse and mid twenty's.
i dont want it to be a false alarm.. im happy to wait for a month.
if i die, who cares.. such is life!
? you on aas
- Not overweight
- Used to be 50kg overweight
- Not currently cycling
- Not a drug user (used to smoke a little weed every now and then)
- Dont Drink or Smoke

Lately (Passed 3weeks), i have been getting really bad chest pain on the left side, so the heart.
Its very random, and mainly occurs DURING or AFTER cardio.
When im doing cardio, i have to stop.. because soon as i take a deep breath it hurts bad, so i have to little short breaths repeatably.
I go dizzy for a few seconds during the pain (usually 3seconds, asif someone is squeezing my head)

It feels asif someone stabbed me with a knife.
After the pain occurs, the pain stops and my heart makes werid noises, it actully feels if my heart is 'burping' this is when im resting.

Just a little concerned, no pain in my arms or anything.
I just want to get a few decent cycles out before i die, know what i am saying homies.

I went to the ER recently due to chest pains like this...They dismissed me "Guessing" it was inflamed ribs/chest wall... :soap:

Freaking useless doctors man...

Anyways it lasted a few weeks, then it came on and off, haven't had it in awhile..

Scares the crap out of me because it feels like my heart. But the tests say I am "healthy and fit as an ox" meh.

I just deal with it when it comes anymore.

Hope you find some answers though.
it could be anxiety also, I know from experience..the symptoms can mimic each other

Yes sir, its Anxiety man.
you got it brother.
I didnt even know i had it, its funny..
I was having a meeting and i was burning up sweating and having red flushes, the lady said i should go get a medical for anxiety.

I dont want to be put on medication like xanax, i dont want the stuff to make me addicted to it, anti-depressants was bad enough to get off, felt like throwing up for 3weeks from last pill. never again!!
Yes sir, its Anxiety man.
you got it brother.
I didnt even know i had it, its funny..
I was having a meeting and i was burning up sweating and having red flushes, the lady said i should go get a medical for anxiety.

I dont want to be put on medication like xanax, i dont want the stuff to make me addicted to it, anti-depressants was bad enough to get off, felt like throwing up for 3weeks from last pill. never again!!

It comes down to mentality and training the body/spirit(if you believe in the latter).

Find your "zen" lol, but joking aside finding your never changing rock that everything else is balanced on helps make everything in your daily life seem so little that anxiety almost makes no sense anymore. Nothing is worth the worry.