Sugar intake while bulking???

cant get BIG

New member
i am currently runnin a test cyp cycle @ 400mgs a week. what do u think my sugar intake should be if i am tryin to bulk if any???
I cannot give you a certain number of grams, but generally you should try to keep your sugar intake fairly low. The poor quality weight gainers often have too much sugar. Get your sugar from natural sources, like lots of food and dairy. Most Americans eat way too much sugar.
You should be using Dextrose in your post-workout shake.
I mix 100 grams Dextrose with 50 grams protein, add in some creatine and you've got yourself a winning combo.
i am not to educated on it in foods or do i need to buy a tub of it???i take Nlarge2 after a workout does that have dextrose in it?
dextrose in- equal sugar packs, gatorade pound tub of mix, sweet tarts, mentos (the freshmaker), and you can also buy dextrose at grocery stores i think...