Suggestions please on cal intake .


New member
Ok so I want to bulk but not put on to much moor body fat on the account that I'm. Already over big time .. 26% * I'm like 25 *pounds over weight .*

Look ! * I'm 6 ft 263 pounds . I started a sus cycle 5 weeks ago using 700 mg a week .. I wanted to lean bulk going in . I wanted to try to loos some bf and gain a few pounds witch I did I don't know how much bf but I lost for sure and gained like 7- 8 pounds .. Not bad considering I looked like shit going in I had lost almost everything in the last year being lazy and depressed thinking I was going away for five years so I got on to gain some size and get a good bace for when I went in ext ext .. Now I don't think I'm going in and I want to change things over and start to bulk .. *Before I was only taking in like 2000 2500 cal a day supper clean .. And it worked .. But now I want to put on some moor size . I just don't want to over do it in my calorie intake .. I have no idea what I'm doing*

Can someone tell me how manny moor calories do I haft to go over what I've burned for the day .. Like how manny cal dos someone burn just sitting around all day and training for an hour of the day with no cardio ..*
I don't do cardio right now I'm going to start I'm just really lazy .. So can someone tell me how manny calories I need to add over what I would burn in a day .. I know there is a word for this I just don't know what it is ..

I train 40 min a day most of the time I supper set ..*
No cardio*
I eat 5 to 6 meals a day*
I was eating around 2000 a day cal. Supper clean*
Now around 3000,,, 3500 .. A day*
Is that to much or just right for being *26% bd fat*
I'm worried I'm might be taking in to much *I don't want to gain to much moor fat*
Ok so haw manny cal over maintenance should I eat . Being over weight all ready .*
3J has an awesome thing going. You should check him out. My advice is just to increase your calories slowly each week and monitor your BF%. The more mass you add the more calories you'll need, but if you start to notice too much BF just taper down. As an example, I'm 6'4 and currently 186 Lbs (started at 176), I've been naturally bulking for the past 5 weeks and have gained 5% BF (now at 10%) and it was all gained the first 3 weeks (started calories too high after a calorie restricted diet - my own poor judgement). The last two weeks, I have continued to increase in size & weight while my body fat remained at 10%. This equates to 4 or 5 Lbs or muscle gain across 5 weeks (my legs have increased an inch in size). I currently eat 4,000 calories on training days, 3,800 on conditioning or cardio days and 3,600 on off days. My macro ratio is 35/40/25. It will be bumped again next week by 100-200cal.
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As a further example. Today was weigh in and measurements. I jumped ~2% in body fat so I'll be tapering my calories down by 100-200 for this week and re-assessing the situation on Sunday again.