Suggestions Please with Bunk Test Cycle 50 days in?


New member
Hi all.. Some of you may remember my previous post. Im now 50 days since 1st injection into a Test-E cycle. 500mg/week. 250mg every 3.5 days. Still no gains, no real sides, no weight gain, no sex increased sex drive, nothing (maybe I feel a little warmer).. using Medistar and supplier says it's g2g and others have confirmed it looks legit. I dunno. For reasons I can't really get into, blood work is not an option for me, but I feel this gear is bunk or way underdosed. A few folks here even suggested if I ate crap I should have still gained at least something.

Anyway, now what I'm thinking is trying to order 2 more vials of a different brand (I've been reading lots of great reviews on here about AML. I'm canadian and I've found the site but need a reference to order.. **hint..hint..* *wink wink** :)

Here is my question....
Where I've had no real sides, gains, etc. would it be fine to run this right into another cycle (pretty much extending it to 20 weeks and then PCT? I don't feel I should run PCT at end of this 10 weeker because I don't feel like this cycle did anything and i don't think it shut me down. Even if my gear was real and just underdosed, would there be any real harm in running another lab brand right after this cycle? Has this happened to anyone before and they just continue on and try another brand of gear. Please some direction / suggestions.

thanks a bunch.
No. Not a good idea to hop onto another cycle. Find a way to get blood work done, no such thing as not possible.
No. Not a good idea to hop onto another cycle. Find a way to get blood work done, no such thing as not possible.


C'mon man. You need to know whats going on with you before jumping on more gear. Get blood work done. Your gear could be underdosed, but still enough to shut you down.

That would be an enormous amount of time to be shut down. If you're not on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), you'd be one step closer after that cycle.
Hi all.. Some of you may remember my previous post. Im now 50 days since 1st injection into a Test-E cycle. 500mg/week. 250mg every 3.5 days. Still no gains, no real sides, no weight gain, no sex increased sex drive, nothing (maybe I feel a little warmer).. using Medistar and supplier says it's g2g and others have confirmed it looks legit. I dunno. For reasons I can't really get into, blood work is not an option for me, but I feel this gear is bunk or way underdosed. A few folks here even suggested if I ate crap I should have still gained at least something.

Anyway, now what I'm thinking is trying to order 2 more vials of a different brand (I've been reading lots of great reviews on here about AML. I'm canadian and I've found the site but need a reference to order.. **hint..hint..* *wink wink** :)

Here is my question....
Where I've had no real sides, gains, etc. would it be fine to run this right into another cycle (pretty much extending it to 20 weeks and then post cycle therapy (pct)? I don't feel I should run post cycle therapy (pct) at end of this 10 weeker because I don't feel like this cycle did anything and i don't think it shut me down. Even if my gear was real and just under-dosed, would there be any real harm in running another lab brand right after this cycle? Has this happened to anyone before and they just continue on and try another brand of gear. Please some direction / suggestions.

thanks a bunch.

tell them you took a herbal supp to boost test but now you feela bit off, get blood work with that excuse.

i know a guy that ran what i did from same lab and all, and he looked as if he didnt use anything, because his training and diet were off. it sounds like you got bunk gear BUT it is possible to be something else. you could try another brand and see if you feel anything i guess.. you got pm
As always, I agree with Austinite. I look at blood work as part of the process/cost of a good cycle and being pertinent. You definitely need to get blood work done, that way you are not playing a guessing game.
Ok thanks everyone. What about if I were to say go to 8 weeks on what I have, then try running 5 more weeks on say AML brand (bringing me into about 13 weeks total). Maybe this way I'd at least know if what I had was bunk but without going too far on cycle. da wife absolutely would not understand me taking steroids. we've had many fights about it in the past. I'm in an area where having my bloodwork done/collected she would find out because she knows all the collectors and they all know me. I'd have to draw it myself and ship it off somewhere.
Ok thanks everyone. What about if I were to say go to 8 weeks on what I have, then try running 5 more weeks on say AML brand (bringing me into about 13 weeks total). Maybe this way I'd at least know if what I had was bunk but without going too far on cycle. da wife absolutely would not understand me taking steroids. we've had many fights about it in the past. I'm in an area where having my bloodwork done/collected she would find out because she knows all the collectors and they all know me. I'd have to draw it myself and ship it off somewhere.

Do you live in a small town?? I would drive another town next to you. And if anyone mentioned your blood test to your wife, I would sue their fucking ass for violating confidentiality laws. Just saying.
lol yes im with riprockwell go to another town. Or sue the fuck out of anyone who opens there mouth to your wife. If lance Armstrong taught me anything its when your about to get caught sue a mother fucker! lol But probably going to another town would be best!
THere are plenty of sites you can find online where they ship you the required stuff to draw your own blood and send in the samples for evaluation. Or you could go to another lab a few towns away. Of you refuse to do bloodwork bc your wife may find out you should refuse to do AAS. Do it right or don't do it at all. You're playing a guessing game here, one which could bite you in the ass worse than the wife
Ok thanks everyone. What about if I were to say go to 8 weeks on what I have, then try running 5 more weeks on say AML brand (bringing me into about 13 weeks total). Maybe this way I'd at least know if what I had was bunk but without going too far on cycle. da wife absolutely would not understand me taking steroids. we've had many fights about it in the past. I'm in an area where having my bloodwork done/collected she would find out because she knows all the collectors and they all know me. I'd have to draw it myself and ship it off somewhere.

5 weeks on real gear is to short of time anyway to get any real gains.