summer bulk breakfast shake

hooked on these past month, taste gr8

1 cup crushed ice
5 oz skim milk
1-2 scoops protein powder- i have been using choc.
1-2 bannanas
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
2 heaping tablespoons natural peanut butter

bigdude said:
I thought it was dangerous to eat raw eggs. ie you could get sick from samellona.

It's pretty unlikely: 1 in 30,000 chance that you'll eat an egg with salmonella, but even if you eat salmonella that doesn't mean you'll get sick. The amount contained in it is important (a small amount is harmless and is actually in yout gut), then it has to get past your stomach acid, then it has to get past the immune system in your intestine, and then it has to beat your immune system in the rest of your body. With organic eggs the chance is even smaller.
pushnpedl said:
hooked on these past month, taste gr8

1 cup crushed ice
5 oz skim milk
1-2 scoops protein powder- i have been using choc.
1-2 bannanas
1 whole egg
2 egg whites
2 heaping tablespoons natural peanut butter


Replace the peanut butter with whole milk and whole eggs. Why would you use skim milk and egg whites for a "bulker" shake?

I'm not a fan of eating that much peanut butter, as it's mostly omega-6 fatty acids...something that most people don't need more of.

Adding some heavy cream might be nice, though.
If your scared of eating raw egg whites then simply order the pasterized<sp, egg whites. Craig Titus is drinking them down in the battle for the olympia 2001 tape.
What the fuck does this have to do with ANYTHING :nono:

Pushnpedl...Thanks , I will give this a whirl. Whats with the name bro? I use to do that when I was a kid with my sister:laugh3:
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