Summer/cutting cycle


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Still trying to plan my summer cycle starting it in June. This will be my 4th cycle just about to finish my current cycle;
EQ 12wks 400mg
TrenA 8wks 75mg EOD
TestC 12wks 500mg

Summer cycle;
TrenA 1-8wks 75mg Eod
Sust 1-10wks 500mg
Winny 4-10wks 50mg ED

I heard Sustanon (sust) is good in bulking cycles but at the moment its all i have. Thinking about using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cuz i dont want the bloat from the test, but will the Winstrol (winny) stop the bloat or no?

Diet is in check, looking to just gain a few pounds but to stay lean and hard. have never used winnny so this will be my first cycle using it. Bf 8-9% what am i looking forward too with gains in regards to using winnny? Or is it just ganna cut me up an make me look tight?

Let me no what you guys think about this cycle, or if you think anything might need to be changed around.:spin:
Fuck Winstrol, Winni gonna make yo tendons brittle and begin to fray like an old worn out steel cable, causing pain when those tendons slide by nerves n stuff. If you don't want bloat, keep tons of water going in and eat clean. To "cut" is really up to your training/diet, not so much your gear. You're probably about exhausted of androgen receptors anyway hence running two cycles so close is not advised. I'ld recommend to just tweak your cardio/aerobic activity with just Sustanon (sust) (test blend) and tren. Get either cabergoline or pramipexole to run with that tren tho, good luck with what ever you decide to do
Even the first use you think that its ganna effect my tendons? thats one of the reasons why i didnt want to get it also the joint problems but i didnt think one time would do damage. Thinking about the time period i might just wait till next summer, since im pretty happy with my gains from my previous cycle.