Summer Cycle need some tips from so seasoned users


New member
Hey guys I am about to start my cycle I have Anadrol powder enough for 3 weeks at 50mg, 2 vials of Test Cyp 400mg, 2 vials of Sust 400, 100 Anavar 50mg tabs, 30ml 1mg Arimidex, more clomid then I could ever use, and 20mg 60ml tamoxifen, 50mg 60ml D-bol, and might have HCG but my supplier hasnt been able to get a hold of it for me yet. With such a variety of gear at my disposal I am uncertain what I should cycle this go around. Looking for some tips. My thoughts were to run test 12-14 weeks kick start it with some Anadrol and go on to anavar after the drol. What are your thoughts?
currently 175, 9.5% BF, 27 years old, 5 years in gym. Looking to bulk at the moment gonna be a clean bulk currently in talks with 3J's for a 12 month program.
So here is what im thinking

Week 1-14 Sustanon 600mg per week pinning twice a week monday morning Thursday evening.
Arimidex .25mg EOD increass if needed.
Weeks 1-3 Anadrol 50mg ED split into 2 doses
Weeks 3-14 Anavar 50mg ED split into 2 doses.
Still looking for HCG if I am able to get ahold of it ill be running 500 iu's a week split into two doses.

PCT 3 weeks after last pin normal dosings for Nolva and Clomid.

Any tips?
hi, we could use some more info...

ideally your age weight height training history bodyfat and cycle history
So here is what im thinking

Week 1-14 Sustanon 600mg per week pinning twice a week monday morning Thursday evening.
Arimidex .25mg EOD increass if needed.
Weeks 1-3 Anadrol 50mg ED split into 2 doses
Weeks 3-14 Anavar 50mg ED split into 2 doses.
Still looking for HCG if I am able to get ahold of it ill be running 500 iu's a week split into two doses.

PCT 3 weeks after last pin normal dosings for Nolva and Clomid.

Any tips?

I'd trim that Var down to weeks 6-14, as it should be run only up to 8 weeks.

Also, just to cover on what "normal" dosage is for Nolva and Clomid, you'd be doing 40/40/20/20/ and 50/50/50/50, right? IMO, you don't need both, I'd pick Nolva for this because you already have an AI so you shouldn't convert estro(not much anyway) and Clomid has those pesky eye sight side effects.

Personally, I don't think you really need HCG on this cycle but I'm not definite on how strong drol is so maybe one of the vets can chime in on that. Otherwise, looks alright.