Summercycle setup



Starting next monday, but Im not sure how its going to be. This was my original plan:

100mg/eod Testosterone Propionate wks 1-9
100mg/eod Trenobolone Acetate wks 1-9
50mg/ed Winstrol wks 2-9

40mg/ed Nolvadex wks 10-12
20mg/ed Nolvadex wks 13-14

This is the gear I have available:

30ml Test propionate 100mg/ml
30ml Test enanthate 250mg/ml
30ml Tren acetate 100mg/ml
10ml Deca 200mg/ml

20ml Liquid Nolvadex 40mg/ml
20ml Liquid Clomid 50mg/ml
10ml Liquid T3 100mcg/ml

56x Winstrol 50mg
26x Clomid 50mg

Thinking about saving the test e and deca to another cycle, but if you have other ideas, please come with them.
The first cycle you have laid out is a decent cycle for summer... considering you that you dont want to have a bunch of water weight.

No only concern is your post cycle therapy (pct). I would run a stronger anti-e than nolva. I'd without doubt use clomid as well.
last time I used clomid my stomache went bad on me for a week! cant use it. ill probably add some hcg in as well as Im running tren.
North said:
40mg/ed Nolvadex wks 10-12
20mg/ed Nolvadex wks 13-14
Since you are running liquid Nolva, which uses the total molecular weight in its dosage, you need to increase the dosage of the Nolva by 50%. Thus, use 60mg for the first 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) and then 30mg for the next two weeks. This means that you need to order another bottle of Nolva.