Superdrol/Mestanolone STS-646 Cycle


New member
Current Stats:

Age: 22

Weight: 173lbs.

Height: 5"8

B/F%: 14%

Cycle History: I have done around 3 cycles total. Starting with Halodrol, was my first cycle. my last 2 cycles were S-drol (superdrol clone) By Nutracoastal.

Weight Training History: I have been working out since I was 18. I stopped for a year when I was 20. Then just got back into it 8 months ago. Ive reached a platue at 173-175lbs and My goal is to break that weight platue. It seems like its holding back my strength gains.

Cycle Dosing: S-drol/STS-646. Dosing will remain the same thru-out the cycle.

20/20/20/20/20/20/20mg E.D

25/25/25/25/25/25/25mg E.D

Cycle Assist Supps:
CEL Cycle Assist

Sylmarian Milk thistle @ 2000mg Each day

Diet on cycle: I wont really post up exactly what I will be eating due to I know we all can't be perfect and follow that perfect diet plan I will post an estimate of what I will be taking in calorie/protein/carb wise.

Daily in take will be protein:300g's Carb: 500g's calorie: Around 3900-4200.

PCT: Nolvadex By Balken Pharmaceuticals at 40/40/30/20 and in the last 2 weeks I will be taking 6-oxo at 600mgs each day.

Any other stuff you guys think will be helpful let me know please. Ive never logged a cycle and this will be my first log. and I think its a pretty crazy cycle and hope to get good gains.
i tried mestanolone sts blah blah, and yes that shit made me big and horny as all hell.... though i dont think it would be a good idea to run two methylated compounds together, maybe if its your first time ok... but limit the length of time your on this stuff.

mestanolone is awesome for strength and aggression and energy all day long
yeah, I know due to liver toxicity. im thinking just to run superdrol for 3 weeks at 20mg each day and continue on my mestanalone for a the remaining 3 weeks. so for a total of a 6 week cycle.
hey guys i dont know what to do inthese forums so im just replying here ..

my gym partner is my nephew and weve been gymming together for 6 months he recently confessed to me that he took a 6 week course of superdrol when he was 16 and did no post cycle therapy (pct) i was so dissapointed i told him i no longer want to gym with him and we havent spoken in a week.. due to the fact that he is my family i have done alot of research on this ... the question i would like answered is that of his natural testosterone levels ... i would like to know wether his natural test levels would have gone back to the normal level of an 18 year old boys by now or if they are screwed up ... if so is there anything you can recommend that i can tell him to take to get his natural test back to the high levels of a 18 yearold boys .... by the way he said he has no side effects ... i am not making it sound okay to take roids underage it will ruin your life .... please help as this is a family member in need of help.. many thanx
hey guys i dont know what to do inthese forums so im just replying here ..

my gym partner is my nephew and weve been gymming together for 6 months he recently confessed to me that he took a 6 week course of superdrol when he was 16 and did no pct i was so dissapointed i told him i no longer want to gym with him and we havent spoken in a week.. due to the fact that he is my family i have done alot of research on this ... the question i would like answered is that of his natural testosterone levels ... i would like to know wether his natural test levels would have gone back to the normal level of an 18 year old boys by now or if they are screwed up ... if so is there anything you can recommend that i can tell him to take to get his natural test back to the high levels of a 18 yearold boys .... by the way he said he has no side effects ... i am not making it sound okay to take roids underage it will ruin your life .... please help as this is a family member in need of help.. many thanx

you can start a new thread at the top left page of the sub forums (where you click which thread you want to read.

as far as your nephew, try to talk to him about it, alienating him would be a bad decision and could possibly push him farther to do more steroids. Educate yourself about them and then educate him. worst thing IMO would be to to just shun him.

he could be back to normal levels or he could not. the ONLY way to tell would be to go to a doctor and get his hormone levels checked.

good luck.
do not take superdrol for 6 weeks. keep it to 3-4. gains from sd pretty much stop in week 3. two methyls arent a good idea either.