superdrol, second thoughts


I'm kind of a big deal...
So I did some reading on SD found I can make some good gains, then ordered it because it was inexpensive and seemed like a safer alt. to AAS. But with further research and talking to different people, the general consensus seems to be that SD is a waste of time and money. If I take milk thistle and post cycle therapy (pct) is it worth it. SD allegedly has low side effects. Or am I going to mess up my liver and only put on water weight.
I did a cycle of superdrol and felt it was definitely a waste of time. Not a complete waste of time but a waste of time in terms of effectiveness in relation to side effects. If you want to cycle do your homework, get some test, and do it right.
I did it, its a waste of money. Sides are NOT low, i had many... fucked up my stomach too. So by no means is it safer. Test is way better for you.
I keep seeing a Test only cycle is the best way to go, if its my first i dont need post cycle therapy (pct) or anything like that?
laxmel2 said:
I keep seeing a Test only cycle is the best way to go, if its my first i dont need post cycle therapy (pct) or anything like that?

:ugh: True test only is the way to go even more if it's your first cycle but man you need post cycle therapy (pct).

It's the only reason why i didn't do it up to know,i can get some test but can't find any post cycle therapy (pct).

I think some research is needed here.
when i hear test only i keep thinking test only,so now i know thanks, is one test better than any others for a first cycle.
hey me and and friend of mine took sd i gained about 12 pounds with only sides of a little acne and my friend only got upset stomaches ........ i took it with milk thistle and nolva for the post cycle therapy (pct) but also you have to eat like a bastard but the gains are good if u eat right
muscle10 said:
hey me and and friend of mine took sd i gained about 12 pounds with only sides of a little acne and my friend only got upset stomaches ........ i took it with milk thistle and nolva for the post cycle therapy (pct) but also you have to eat like a bastard but the gains are good if u eat right

Muscle, that is exactly what im doing, im eating clean and getting alot of cals. when did you take the nolva.
i took the nolva directly after i finished my sd cycle cuz ..... my friend decided to wait about a week to take t and lost some of his gains and got a little weaker
when you took the sd when did you take it during the day, im taking one in the mourn and one in the late afternoon. im gona do 20mg the first 2 weeks then bump it up to 30mg then 40 for the last week. 4 weeks total.
i took one in the mornin and then one bout and hour before i worked out the wen i moved up i wood jus space them out with my meals
I used SD and experienced no side effects for the duration of the four week cycle. I made some pretty good gains.

During my cycle several things happened that may have positively or negatively attributed to the results.

- I made some dietary changes to lessen fat intake and increase protein intake and increased the number of calories. Stopped eating snacks and candy.
- I stopped using all other supplements except for the daily whey shake and saw palmetto and vitamins.
- My stress levels increased because of a reorganisation at work. My bloodpressure was 10% higher during these weeks.
- Due to stress I could only manage to sleep for an avarage of 5 hours.
- Smoking increased to 20 a day....due to stress and the absence of a spine (apparantly :P)

During the cycle:
Bench went up from 140 lbs to 240 lbs. Squats from 120 lbs to 270 lbs and deads from 210 lbs to 320 lbs.

My total weight increased from 79kg to 91.4kg and BF went from 10% to 7.5%

I lost the table with exact measurements cloth size increased from small/medium to large.

During the cycle I felt very energetic.

Naturally I was very, very pleased with the results.


A week after I stopped the SD cycle (but was still doing the PTC) I suddenly started to feel very, very tired and nearly lethargic. I really had to push myself to do anything and training sessions were a true hell. I did experience moodswings.

During this time I lost strength and size:

Bench went back to 200 lbs. Deads wents to 200 lbs (which was lower than before the cycle!!) and squats went back to 200 lbs.

Size did not decrease much though...but that was not something very positive as my weight decreased to 87kg and BF went up to 13.5%!!!

The lethargy lasted for a full month, but stopped altogether after I survived the reorganisation and got a promotion.

All in all I did make gains after the cycle...and considering all the factors of price, lagality and the end results I do feel SD is a valuable supplement.

All in all the results were good. I feel that if I had not experienced so much stress from work the side effects may have been non-existent or much less in severity and that I may have kept more of my gains.
i tried sd and wasn't too impressed. Save your$$$ and go w/the real deal. M1t has lots of sides too. I'd not cycle either.
PS: whatever u do do a post cycle therapy (pct) w/nolva or clomid or somthign on that order