Superdrol vs Tbol

more than likely superdrol...but for a one time legal pro-steroid that shit has got some kick. i am finishing up with a run of it right now and i am only taking 15mg per day...the gains are very good! drink plenty of water though...i do and my piss is still almost glowing!
Why are you taking superdrol rather than the other stuff that you must be able to get your hands on if you are a pro-bodybuilder.
neilandrews1 said:
It is also in 10mg caps so how are you taking 15 ED

you are absolutely is 10mg caps and i am taking 30mg each day. i am taking the superdrol because i had it on hand...i started taking it 3 weeks ago and was leading into my cycle that i started sunday of 800mg test 500 blend. the superdrol will give me a jumpstart while waiting for the test to kick in. some may call it front loading with an inferior product, but in my opinion...superdrol is pretty good.
Tbol is very safe as FAR as I've read, although I got some shity sides from it...but that's probably just me :(
Superdrol is more toxic...that shit is hard on the body from the kidneys to the liver, but the strength goes way up and you SEE results. if you take it, you better drink plenty of water and take some supps to protect the liver. i have noticed a jaundiced look to my skin and eyes and my back cramps like hell...not to mention the DARK urine. i just finished the Superdrol part of my cycle...thank God!
neilandrews1 said:
I am surprised at that - everything i read says that Dbol is the worst apart from Anadrol.

Have you done any dbol

not yet... i have done M1t, superdrol, test E, and Deca in the past and have seen good results from all of them. i am on a test 500 cycle right now (second week in). i am going to do my test E with my first cycle of tren a next. looking forward to the tren...