Supp Stores...


Hey bros...Me and a bro are going to be opening a supp store where we live, and I am looking for ideas on products, i would prefer to stay away from muscle tech commercial, but i may have to stock some...we are going to cater to real bros that lift and train, and want quality products thats are not to commercial, and can be sold at a good price..just ideas from you guys..

besides the fridge with gh in it, the pex dispensers with dbol etc....

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey

Why don't you check out Biggie and TX's store and see the products they have on there. Most of them were suggested by the members so that may give you a good idea which ones are in higher demand,
I am going to carry a lot of the stuff they do, already talked to Biggie...

but, we are even going to sell straps etc..bands..chains..stuff you normally would want as a hard core guy, but cant find all chalk for instance....none around here anywhere.....just some quick ideas...what you may like, but cant really get going to the neighborhood store..

remember, a business is supposed to make money. I know you dont wanna sell Musle-Tech products, but they are hot sellers, you cant stop people from reading magazines and seeing the ads and wanting to buy it, if they dont buy it from you they are gonna buy it from someone else. Carry good bars, like Tri-O-Plex, NOW Foods line has a great mark-up for retailers, optimum nutrition, etc.
thanks bro..i know i will have to carry those products...i just want to offer an alternative..vpx is big up here, and i will have to carry some of that...i know i need them to bring in the as you said, they see it in a magazine they want it...which is cool, but i train at a pretty muscle head gym compared to mostr out here, and they want other then that to save money also, i know i can make money on whatever i put in there, i am just trying to think of some things out of the ordinary..

and god help me, i know i have to carry detour bars...i thiink snickers are better for you then those things..


Let me know what I can do to help, I own a 2100sf Nutrition Store, we sell Supp.s, Sports Nutrtion, books,

PM me if I can help you in any way. OK?
i know i will be carrying ergo pharm, and i know...vpx would be amazed on the price you can get this from their distributors and sell it for..shhhhh..its a secret...

i will be putting together a list of companies that we will have and you guys can let me know..
