supplements that work


New member
Anybody out there use supplements that actually work? And is there any new ones out that meet the hype claims? I've taken creatine, tribulis, xenadrine, hydroxycut, and ephadrine(former supplement) and found them to work with results.
There are lots of supplements that "work"..

a partial list....


Green tea (high ecgc)
7-keto dhea

Fat burners
yohimbine (oral and/or topical- each serves its own purpose)

creatines or precursors
citrulline malate- potential
creatine citrate

whey protein isolate
milk protien isolate
micellar casein

and more

obviously a fan of all the ones in the signature :)
with several new to be added shortly :D :D
What do you mean by "work". Do they do what they claim? Most of themdon't. But many supps are excellant but you wouldn't necessarily know what they're doing -- such as Omega 3's, TMG, Co Q 10, ALC, MSM, lecithin, MILK THISTLE vitamins, minerals etc etc. Meawhile, Thermogenics can be "felt' but they're inferior for fat loss in the long run.

For bodybuilding purposes, well I beleive nothing is anabolic. (Some may say prohormos, but the catabolic aftermath negate the benefits) The closest thing to an anabolic supplement is one that lowers SHBG, therfore increases free testosterone and that is Unleashed from Protein Factory .com
Realgains said: raise hdl cholesterol.


I use the Flush Free Niacin, and it does work wonders. I use it on cycle now as well, it seems to keep my HDL from falling off in the first place.
Protein, M-1T, 4-HydroxyNandrolone Undecanoate, M-5AA/etc. CoQ-10, fish oil, ephedra, shit the list goes on. There are a lot of supplements that provide some benefit. To what degree, I think that relies on the individual. What works for some guys doesn't do shit to others.

As far as the pro-hormones go, don't use them untill you got at least 3 years training.