Supps before and after the gym!


-Flesh Eater-
30 minutes pre-workout

Spike – 1 to 2 caps (pre-workout boost)

Phosphatidylserine – 400 (anti cortisol)


Entering Gym

Surge –1 serving (anabolism and anti-catabolism)

BCAA – 20g (anabolism and anti-catabolism) "10 at start - 10 more 20 mins in"


After the workout

Surge – 1 serving (anabolism and anti-catabolism, glycogen resynthesis)

BCAA – 10g

Creatine – 5g (refilling creatine stores)

Power Drive – 1 serving (neural recovery)

Phosphatidylserine – 600mg

1 Ubermag