Sups when cutting


New member
Hello everyone i was wonderin if someone could help me. What are some good PWO supps i can take when cutting? and anything i can take before i work out so i can have extra enegry would be good also, i was thinking about buying some ephedrine would that help at all? Any adive will be greatly appreciated.
best supps are a good protein powder, multi vitamin..

get your diet in order first that alone will allow you to drop fat..i prefer to add in thermos much later down the road when the body is more reluctant to give up fat..adding in all supps now will leave you with nothing in the bag when you do hit those roadblocks
Blackbeard is spot on.

With your PWO shake you could use SesaLean, which contains SesaThin and will aid with fat loss. I use this all the time now. It's actually mean to be used as a cooking oil for whatever you want. A nuber of people are currently testing it on various boards, and a recipe book is also being compiled together with SuperCarb.

To help with partioning and and carb shuttling nto the muscle PWo Designer Supps GXR is a very good choice.