sus cycle

starting to notice slight sensitive nipples, and there a little bigger then usual. Thinking i should start my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but maybe I'll just see how this week goes.
So starting week 3 and pinned rt quad, it hurt like a mofo! loosined up some doing squats but still hurts some now. More of a discomfort then a hurt. Still incressing my weights 5 lbs every week and workout went good today. I have been working really hard this week too. When I weighed myself today down to 168. I have even incressed my cals by eating at McD every morning (2 suasage mc muffins) Oh well we'll see what happens soon.

Question when pinning quad is it ok to be sitting down, like on the towlet lol, or does the leg need to be proped up?
Went to the gym today and weighed in at 171! new record for me, Looking in the miror I think my belly is getting a little bigger but havn't been eating as clean this week. But this week I will get back on check.
Gonna start to force more water down, its getting hot down here, I def need to drink more. Felt a little dehydrated a few days this week.
as for sides still no acne, but nips seem a little bit puffy and bigger then usual. Still gonna wait til monday to start AI.
All in all I feel good and gettin a little bigger, stronger,and some more veins showing
Pinned quad today 6th injection, went very well the easyest yet. Having some hot issues, seems like I'm always hot now
yea bro,fuckit i work 1 muscle group a day !if your recovery is there so are you hit it hard or go home,lol.sus is a good blend and should have sum great results .my 1st cycle off it i gained 18l.b of muscle !it was awsome ,keep us posted

:nonono2: 18 ibs of muscle huh, on sust. hmmmm.
wk 4 pinned glute today was hard to get back there but I got it done. I can really see the diference already. Can't wait for it to really kick in. Got my diet back under control, and weighed in at 171 still at the gym. Also started my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) today. Not that I can see any sides yet, but its getting hot here, and I'm swetting my but off at work. Better safe then sorry.
now its all about the test-e and winstrol ,im looking to shread up for summer ,diets in chk im on it!189 and growing /shreding fat as well bf about 16% need to get down about 12% bi summer,dedication !!!!!!!!!bro

189 and 16% BF and running test E and Winstrol (winny) and only plan on dropping 4% BF.......:biggthump

Get off the gear before you hurt yourslelf.
14%..... FAR from "shredded" :wackit:
8th pin today and diet has been in check all week, weights still going up on bench, deads, squats, and standing oh presses, but kinda stuck on rows we'll see what next week is like. Weight has still been around 171. I did notice alot more pimples on my face then usual, but it has been hot here, so just could be from working.
been drinking water like a fish to see if that helps any to, I have a tendence to get dehydrated at work then drink all night long. So gonna start brinking a gallon of water to work and see if it helps.

Also had some trouble pinning left glute today. I think I hit scar tissue from my prop cycle, cause it just didn't wantr to go in lol. And then when I was trying to do it left handed I was moving it all around. most likely going to be a little sore from this one.
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I'm really starting to see a dif in the mirror, I was pretty swelled up from todays workout. And my ass is sore from yesterdays bad pinning! Oh well and still horney as fuck! Havn't noticed any shrinkage yet either
Started week 5 pinned quad today and still holding my weight around 170, but I need to not keep getting on the scale. Fucking with my head I want to see more! I know the test is just starting to kick in, but damm! Starting to think my gear is shit!
the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not gonna let you gain much water-so dont trip about the weight yet

Hey D, would my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cause me to drop a few pounds? I was floating at 170 - 172, and now back at 168 - 170. I did cut out a few carbs this week though, fuck I need to get off the scale! I still have 7 more weeks to go in my cycle.

I know I have had the morning wood like everyday this week, figured it was the test, but could just be me! lol
hit my quad again for my 2nd pin of week 5. But that was my last 23g x 1" needle. I went to the local store and all they had this time was 22g x 1" so I picked up some. Can I still us them in my quads? Or do I need to stick to glutes with them?
So started wk6 and weighed in at 173 yesterday. I am still thinking about adding whinny from like week 8-14 at 50mgs a day oral. Any input would be much appreciated.
I went to the gym today and felt really good, was strong. Still going up on all my lift, funny though, I have been doing bent over rows lately and have been stuck at 195. Now I do them bent over so my back is horizontal and lift off the floor to chest and back to floor. But the gym was busy so I did db rows. My last 2 sets did 110 x 5! so here are current lifts:
bench 245 x 5
dead 245 x 5
squats 210 x 5
wieght still floating from 170 - 173

ok guys I decided to order some more gear! My sus 10ml bottle didn't even last me 5wks and I reduced the amount I was taking. So I'm uping the dosage back to 500mg/wk. And ordered a bottle of test c. I also ordered whinny so here the revised cycle:
1- 500mg sus 250
2-5 400mg sus 250
6-10 500mg sus 250 or until I run out
10-15 500mg test c
11-17 50mg oral whin ed
4-pct 12.5mg aromasin eod
18-22 pct nolva 40/40/20/20
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I checked my measurments and they are the same except for waist went up an inch, of course cause of my bulking diet. I am just still not sure if my gear is any good. Arms chest legs still all the same, no change! this is the start of my 8th week I should have gotin something by now. I'm waiting on some test c and whin to come in when it does i'll just switch the test and start the whin and do post cycle therapy (pct) when its over. Damit waisted 7 wks, new source so wasn't sure about the gear, but I think I am now!
well I might be over reacting but I don't think I'll ever do sus again, or buy from that source either! Just was hopping to see something better then I have. Of course now I tried to order from a sponser here and got my test but didn't get my whin. now I have to find out whats up with that, nothing ever goes smoothly does it. lol. Thats why I want to try to make my own gear.
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ok I remeasured just to be sure and I have gone up so I'm gonna not freak out and just keep doing my cycle the way I planned.
done with week 8 but had stomach flu most of it so didn't eat or go to the gym much this week. I did buy a new board so went surfing yesterday and about to go again today! And also got my whin in the box today! Sweet!
Finished wk 9 and about to start wk 10. But I'm dieing to start my whin and my test c, but not yet. Almost done with my sus, I might have enough to get through this week. Felt good this week mon gym was busy so I did db bench press. I hadn't done them in months, was always stuck at the 95's could never go higher. I grabed the 95's with ease so juped up to the 110's, no problem, did 2 set of 5.
Still holding around 172, hoping the whin will help push me over the edge. and as for sides just been dealing with the acne, its getting better now that I'm taking my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) eod instead of just when I felt like I needed it for sensitive nips