sus cycle

ok I couldn't wait any longer! lol So pinned today cause I worked late last night. And started my whin today, pinned my sus today but almost gone. I might have .5cc left so gonna shoot it with my test c my next pin. we'll see how this whin is, it might hurt in a couple weeks but it might be worth it.
looks like some good strength gains. Still unsure about the test?
I have trouble moving the scale too. I think maybe the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) plays a big role in that.

wish I could get out on the board myself man..still a little to cold up here though, can't wait to throw on the shorty in a few more weeks and hit the water.
I know it bro! I'm gonna hit it up tomorrow. Did everything I needed to today, lol "the honey do list" so I'm hittin the beach in the am!

As for the test I could feel it a little and I have been getting some sides. Not sure if it's under dosed, if its not then maybe I did not take enough since it was sus. I didn't get it from a reliable source, so now trying a new source one of the sponsers.
Strength gains they have def gone up, past all my prs. But not putting on the weight like I would have liked to, starting to eatting dirty to help. But I just feel like all I'm doing is getting fat (belly). Arms, shoulder, chest, back all good, but my waist has gone up a couple inches. Not much was a 32 and now a 34. I'm still under 175 and holding there, my goal was to get up to around 180. If I could get close it would be sweet.
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Got my new pins from Cheappinz today, just in time only had one left. My local store was out, so they said, they probably just didn't want to sell them to me! So finished up the sus wasn't much left and filled the rest with my test c. And been taking my whin everyday. I did notice some head achs since I started taking it, but not sure if its that or not yet. I have 50mg caps so I'm taking it all in one dose.

Oh yea I almost forgot wieghed in at 174 yesterday! Lets hope it keeps going up
good luck with the new cyp sounds like the Sustanon (sust) was underdosed or something cuz i love Sustanon (sust) and the gains i get from it. I started my cycle yesterday Sustanon (sust) and win. Sounds like we got the win from the same sponsor...Uncle? I haven't started my win yet gonna throw that in there the last six weeks. Let us know how it goes.
Been pinning the test c and havn't gotten any more pain in my quad pin, then as if I was doing the sus. So since it was a new source I was a little worried about how it would feel.
As for the whin been taking it for a week now and I have been getting some headaches from it. Getting a little stronger but not feeling much difference right now, but have def getting good pumps at the gym.
Sides have gone up some acne all over my head at my hairline. I got pretty burnt, so the last few days was wairing a hat at work. It was 95 a couple days this week so been sweating like a pig. I need to get in the water but no waves, that always helps! I might just go anyway to get out there. Also I noticed some pain in joints already, shoulder, knee and elbows hurting already!
And I don't know if its the whin or not but my apt is going up, I'm starving again!
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So I guess I spoke to soon cause this shit is killin me! Pinned thur and today can hardly move my leg, its much worse then the sus I was taking. I have takin 3 dif injections and been pretty harsh all of them. I really want to try something with eo in it to see the difference. But only have a couple weeks left so just gonna try to keep motivated.
So this week went good at the gym. Put up 255 for 5 reps bb press gonna go up to 260 next week. Also squats up to 225 now. I'm still floating 172-174. And having some shoulder and elbow pain. Funny thing is I did something to my shoulder a couple wks ago grabbing groceries out of the back seat. So with the two bothering me, I couldn't do weighted dips or bb curls this wk. I was able to do db curls instead though.
WK13 -This week elbow feels good but both shoulders are hurting me some, I'm sure the surfing isn't helping either cause they are spent afterwards. So I didn't go up on the weight last week. But I did do incline for a change last fri, and hit 225 for 4 reps. But my shoulders were making all kinds of poping noises. Guess its the whin drying them out. Over all I feel good, starting to get more vasular, and my acne is pretty much gone since I started the test c and whin. Not sure which one is helping but propably more stable blood lvls with the test c then the sus. Only bad thing is the welts left from this test! I just pinned my guad today and I know I'll be limping around in a few days, lol
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Ok just finished wk 13 and gonna run it till this vial is out. Def feel good weight is up to 175 now, my shoulders are getting swollen up! All my lifts still going up, but really starting to feel the sides from the whinny, High blood pressure- my heart was racing last night, shoulders hurting like hell- I could hardly grab the bar to do squats today. But I can see a big dif in the mirror the last couple weeks. Gonna see if I can stay on the whinny as long as I can take it.
and since this cycle is almost over, I'm thinking about my next one already
wks 1-15 test c 500mgs
wks 1-15 eq 600mgs
17-21 pct
what do you think?
started wk 14 today my last wk of test, I pinned today and think there's enough left for one more. Sucks I don't want to come off lol. Still holding 175 and was almost 176. Bench did 260 x 5 last set today, gonna bump it up again and see. Still platued on the bent over rows, but oh well! My goal was to reach around 175, which I have done, so gonna try to gain a couple more the last wks, before I start post cycle therapy (pct) I want to get to 180
Took my last pin yesterday, sucks cause I am starting to put on weight again. I think its the test c starting to work. Not sure if my sus was bunk or underdosed, never will I try that lab again. Anyway my weight is up to 177 so I think I can to 180 before post cycle therapy (pct) starts. I really want to be holding at around 175 when post cycle therapy (pct) is over.

current lifts
bench 265 x 5
squat 235 x 5
db row 110 x 5
deads 265 x 5
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Ok so last week was my last pin. Still going up on my weights this week. And still taking the whinny ed. gonna start post cycle therapy (pct) this thur. Still holding 175 and current lifts are:
bench 270 x 5
squat 240 x 5
deads 270 x 5
Heres a back pic I took last week
well its sad lol, Started my pct today. And its been really hot the last week, was sweating my ass off at work. Started to break out on chest, arms, and shoulders. Gonna go surf and sun tomorrow that should help, we'll see if I can get it under control again