sus dinabol 8 weeks cycle


New member
i am 31 , 5,9ft , 93 kg

i made my mind to start an 8 weeks cycle of sus and dinabol oral
taking :

500 ml sus a week , is this good ? 8 weks
dinabol oral , please tell me how? much 8 weeks
and for ?

sus your going to want to run for 12-14 weeks, if im not mistaken.
dbol if this is your first time. run 30-40mg a day, you could run up to 8 weeks. but usually people run for 6 weeks. usually spread it out. i like to take mine before a meal or before working out. everyone has there own thoughts on that.

get clomid for pct.
thnaks for the reply tony

i only have 8 weeks to play with

so do you think run :

week 1-8 500 ml sus weekly
week 1-8 400 ml deca weekly
week 1-4 dinabol 40 mg day

pct clomid and hcg 2 weeks after last shot
and i have nolva just incase gyno happens

please tell me what you think of the doses ?
i am just starting using ...

thnaks for the reply tony

i only have 8 weeks to play with

so do you think run :

week 1-8 500 ml sus weekly
week 1-8 400 ml deca weekly
week 1-4 dinabol 40 mg day

pct clomid and hcg 2 weeks after last shot
and i have nolva just incase gyno happens

please tell me what you think of the doses ?
i am just starting using ...


your going to want to run the sus and deca longer otherwise itll be pointless. the dbol i guess at 4 weeks would be ok to kick start it all. but your going to want to get more gear...

but if you cant... I GUESS you could run 300mg sus for the 12 weeks. and 200mg deca for the 12 weeks. but i think your making a big mistake
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