Sust/Omnadren, Injected Once A Week- Is It OK???

Millineum Man

New member
Guys, I'm aware of the 4 different esters in Sust/Omnadren. I wanted to know if there was anything wrong with injecting once a week since I'm new to injecting and Gear. Will it NEGATIVELY effect my gains in size & strength in anyway? I planned on using Omnadren@500mgs for 10 weeks. What do you think??
You could get away with injecting once per week because of the long esters but twice a week would be best. Any particular reason why you didn't choose a single ester instead a multiple test(ester)?
Not saying that it wont work. But it does have prop which would make more sence to inject twice per week. But either way sould be fine.
WI, I'm using Omnadren because it's the only human grade Gear I could get my hands on without having to worry about it being bunk. Plus, it's potent and VERY cheap!!!:D
Millineum Man said:
Guys, I'm aware of the 4 different esters in Sust/Omnadren. I wanted to know if there was anything wrong with injecting once a week since I'm new to injecting and Gear. Will it NEGATIVELY effect my gains in size & strength in anyway? I planned on using Omnadren@500mgs for 10 weeks. What do you think??

I am doing an omna cycle right now and this is like my 3rd cycle with it, and i shoot once a week and i have shot twicw a week, and i noticed no difference in how i ran may depend on the individual though, but in respects to using it, once a week for me...

I like susta so I will not ask you why you chose it (or Omna).
I would inj. twice a week, but even 1 could work (prop has a short halflife, but not sooo short, and other esters would work, anyway).
Batman said:
I like susta so I will not ask you why you chose it (or Omna).
I would inj. twice a week, but even 1 could work (prop has a short halflife, but not sooo short, and other esters would work, anyway).

I like old onma...the new is identical to the sus i believe from what i see on the boards..i like old omna since i ran old omna and i also ran sus, and i like the old omna since i felt it did a better job for bulking for me then the sus...IMO...

Not to mention the price...although i have only a dollar diffenece between the two, i used that extra buck per amp to pick me up some dbol...

eastarr69 said:
I like old onma...the new is identical to the sus i believe from what i see on the boards..i like old omna since i ran old omna and i also ran sus, and i like the old omna since i felt it did a better job for bulking for me then the sus...IMO...

Not to mention the price...although i have only a dollar diffenece between the two, i used that extra buck per amp to pick me up some dbol...


Well, Omnadren is not exactly the same as Sustanon because of different esters (the longer ones) but it's very similar. It's a little cheaper but I still prefer Sustanon because of its less conversion in estrogen. And this is why you prefer Omnadren for bulking, I believe:rolleyes:
Even with a little difference in price, I still prefer Sustanon.
Fellas, Sustanon and the new Omnadren have the same exact esters. It's been that way for the past 2-3 years now. Check the profiles over at Meso-rx.
Millineum Man said:
Fellas, Sustanon and the new Omnadren have the same exact esters. It's been that way for the past 2-3 years now. Check the profiles over at Meso-rx.

thus the reason i like old omnas....

Batman said:
Well, Omnadren is not exactly the same as Sustanon because of different esters (the longer ones) but it's very similar. It's a little cheaper but I still prefer Sustanon because of its less conversion in estrogen. And this is why you prefer Omnadren for bulking, I believe:rolleyes:
Even with a little difference in price, I still prefer Sustanon.

Gyno really should not be a concern unless you are really prone to it...and with nolva, proviron etc..available, there should not be a worry, and i have never...(knock on wood)...have had an isue with it..even running dbol heavy on it...

It does make sense to inject more frequently, your blood levels stay much more stable that way, rather than "roller coastering". Why not just do one glute shot on say Saturday and one on say Wednesday?

If its too much of a hassle or you really want to avoid it, it won't make a huge difference.
I was trying to decide between an Underground Test Enanthate product and Human Grade Omnadren. So, I decided to go with the Omnadren despite it being multi-estered. I think I read that Sustanon/Omnadren worked like a single ester at the 2-3 week mark, but I really don't know how true that is. I'm going to inject 2 amps(500mgs)on Sunday along with Dbol(Bioreaktors)@25-30mgs ED for the first 4 weeks. Sounds good???
it sounds good to me....
I would skip the d-bol though. You shold get pretty good gains without it if you are doing 500mg for 10 weeks