sustanon 250 first ever cycle - how much


New member
first up fellas, awesome site with truly indepth information!

Its a simple question i have (i think) i am 37, weigh 98kg, have been training for a while now and are currently at 18% Body fat.

i just got back from a job in the middle east - while there a mate put me on to the over the counter juice i could get there.

I got a bunch of 1ml glass ampules of sustanon 250 and some Deca.

After reading your posts i will leave the deca in the fridge for the next cycle. i am informed that i should inject 1ml every 7 days with the sus250.

all your posts regarding cycles are are in mg. am i correct in understanding there are 100mg's to 1 ml?

can you please advise on the number of mls i should be injecting per week.

thanks again

Sustanon is 250mg/ml, a good first cycle is inject two amps per week, eg monday/thursday

What do you have planned for recovery post cycle? Do you have anything against estrogen sides?
hey Cheers for the heads up! i have been doing half that for 3 weeks so will adjust. am still reading up on post cycle tit preventatives - i live in New Zealand so can be a little hard to access. however i am very open to any suggestions it would seems there is much discussion on this. regarding to the post cycle, i assume you refer to getting my levels back to normal?

i am still trying to work that one out mate, but again i am very open to a simple suggestion. i know i must sound like a twat wheni tell you that i only just starting hearing about all this post stuff AFTER starting the cycle. but i text a juice head buddie of mine from east london - head said i would be fine at 2 mls of deca and sus - but since he is massive I tended to be a little apprehensive on taking those quantities.

but that is as far as i have gone. my training is spot on but i have just come to realise its my post training/ cycle i need to address.
Yeah 2 amps a week is sufficient for first cycle. Leave Deca alone for now.
thanks fellas, so clearly i have been well under the mark, will ramp to 2ml /week. thanks again. any advice for post training and so on