Sustanon A-bomb


New member
Just started my second cycle! :laugh4::laugh4: I am doing sustaplex 325 at .8ml twice a week which works out to be roughly 250 twice a week. I will be running that for 12 weeks with a nice jumpstart of anadrol at 50mgs a day for the first 4 weeks. I ran a test only cycle about 6 months ago and have kept about 20lbs from it want to add some more size with this cycle.


Diet is clean working on adding more real meals as im finding im drinking quite a bit of protein drinks a day 3-4

meal1- 50g whey protein
oatmeal/flaxmeal 3 hard boiled eggs

meal2- 2 cans of tuna and salad

meal3- brown rice veggies and grilled chicken

meal4- pre-workout shake 40g protein

meal 5-PWO 50g protein whey milk flaxoil blueberries and strawberries

meal6- whatever the wife cooks

meal7- cottage cheese and peaches

meal 8- casein protein drink b4 bed

Any ideas what PCT i should do? also any feedback would be appreciated thanks
Dude you definitley drink alot of protein, I'm not knocking protein shakes as I drink em myself. However Think about the process which happens to make protein powder from the source. Ever read the chemical names on the back of the box....Stick with real food as much as possible..

I cook on wednesday and sunday, for 2-3 hours a each day, this gives me plenty of grab and go real food to eat, everything from fruit salads, chicken breast, meatloaf, soups, stews etc.... The freezer is a beautiful thing.....

If we are trying to enhance our bodies on the outside why not take care of it on the inside too.....

If I drank that many shakes in a day I would be a methane factory.....
that's only 4 shakes...doesn't seem to abnormal to me. Make sure you getting some good protein (steak or something) in meal 6.
Thanks for the advice rpwhit777...Pre cooking the meals is a great idea. So which protein shake should i discontinue?? Maybe the breakfast one and add some egg whites?? what do you guys think?
I'm definitely not knocking protein shakes ... They are useful, but nothing beats a well balanced meal for the body, and for growth....

Depending on your goals, you could drink half the protein shake, and eat some potatoes and greens with it, or knock it out all together and add some chicken breasts in there and your golden....

I like to eat a 5-7 meals a day, snack at least 2-3 times a day.. Also timing of meals is important as well... Dont want to eat high protein/carb meals an hour before you work out.

Also when consuming alot of protein to grow it's important to eat alot of fruit. The enzymes in fruit help break down all the protein, and help it be more available for absorption....Something lacking in protein shakes, try taking papaya enzymes with the shake it can help with the bloating and gas...

Just a few notes I have found usesful over time...