Sustanon + deca


New member

im 5'5", around 210 lbs. iv been trainin for 3 years now and had done some cycles. recently i ve finished a deca+winny+sus cycle, took around 3 months off and im now plannin of cycling up sustanon + deca.could you please plan out a cycle program for me on this roids. i ve one here, 400 mg deca per week and 250 of Sustanon (sust) per week, unless you have a better cycling program, let me know,


Exactly how many cycles have you done, what's your experience in terms of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage and what your body may be used to, and what are your goals from this cycle?
What is your age bro? What is your bf, and what are you shooting for?

I would go with 500mg Sustanon (sust) ew Weeks 1-8
and 300mg deca weeks 1-8. Keep it simple.
I go exactly what Bigdelt said but run it for 10 weeks. Deca takes longer to get into your system. Won't feel the full effects until week 5-6. Good luck
bentbar said:

im 5'5", around 210 lbs. iv been trainin for 3 years now and had done some cycles. recently i ve finished a deca+winny+sus cycle, took around 3 months off and im now plannin of cycling up sustanon + deca.could you please plan out a cycle program for me on this roids. i ve one here, 400 mg deca per week and 250 of Sustanon (sust) per week, unless you have a better cycling program, let me know,



Well me personally I would use a 2:1 (Test/Deca)ratio when doing this particular cycle.
Mass = 500mg Sustanon (sust) weekly, 400mg deca..

10-12 weeks and then an extra 3 weeks of Sustanon (sust) alone so when you do "cycle off" you have the long acting deca beating against your HTPA axis and interupting your clomid/recovery process.