

New member
Yo Bro's.

This is my second week of a DBOL/SUS/WINNY cycle. Nominal gains thus far (5 pounds).

I taking 25MG (should I be aking more?) of DBOL a day and 500MG of SUS a week, Winstrol (winny) not started yet. I am eating TONS of food, 5/6 meals a day etc.

When does Sus really kick in?? Should I be worried?

Thanks for yout time boys!
on same cycle, also 2nd week. My gains are minimum, too. Interested to hear from some more experienced with this cycle.
should start seeing more progress very soon. Just give it a little more time. Your dosages look fine, just make sure you train hard and eat harder.
Ahh the patience is a virtu thing again :D

Ok I can wait, just want to make sure I'm on the right track, thanks for the afirmation.

9-11% BF

This is my third cycle, first proper (I hope) one though. This board has been a big part of that. I actually know what I'm talking about when I see my source.

BTW should I start taking my Clomid (3 weeks treatment) after the SUS or after the Winny?

Thanks Guys!
urafreak said:

BTW should I start taking my Clomid (3 weeks treatment) after the SUS or after the Winny?

Thanks Guys!

Run your Winstrol (winny) 3 weeks past the Sustanon (sust), and start Clomid day after last Winstrol (winny) shot.

My strength gains are minimal but I know the reason for that. When on gear, I have terrible insomnia so my body has been tired when I go to the gym in the morning even after my "breakfast of champions"(dbol). Surprisingly, I'm not holding a lot of water so far but did have to go on an anti-estro. Gyno was starting quickly.

Stone, this is my first time on both dbol and sustenon so I am not sure how I will react. I was hoping by now , from the dbol, I would have seen more. How patient does urafreak and I have to be? give us encouragement, PLEASE! I am frusterated.
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I am very sensitive to gyno with gear. I actually bought Formastat and it's great. They say it's even stronger than Nolva, and in the USA, it can be bought over the counter(probably not for much longer). In Europe it's a prescription. It's working great, though!
compman said:

My strength gains are minimal but I know the reason for that. When on gear, I have terrible insomnia so my body has been tired when I go to the gym in the morning even after my "breakfast of champions"(dbol). Surprisingly, I'm not holding a lot of water so far but did have to go on an anti-estro. Gyno was starting quickly.

Stone, this is my first time on both dbol and sustenon so I am not sure how I will react. I was hoping by now , from the dbol, I would have seen more. How patient does urafreak and I have to be? give us encouragement, PLEASE! I am frusterated.

You know, I've never done d-bol (age thing), so I'm just gonna bump this for someone else to answer that part.

As far as your insomnia goes, I'd really look into getting something to help you sleep. I know you know what the most important aspects for growth are; 1-Food, 2-Training, 3-Rest 4-Supplementation
You have to have them ALL in order to see much in the "gains" dept.

Now you have me nervous. The age thing? I am not much younger than you. A year from 30. Is the dbol too hard on the liver for me, too?(in your oppinion)
compman said:

Now you have me nervous. The age thing? I am not much younger than you. A year from 30. Is the dbol too hard on the liver for me, too?(in your oppinion)

LOL !!! I'm 45........ :D..... plus my liver values are a little shaby from years of :40oz: in my youth. :(

You'll be fine at 25 mg/day.....just make sure you take your liver protectors.
urafreak. I alwas get the "sus kick" right at about 4 weeks. Be patient bro. Just keep lifting like a mad man and one day you'll notice that the heavy weight isn't as heavy as it once was and your shirts are a little tighter! Ah what a good feeling!