So my second batch was just as smooth and quit a bit faster than my first.
Experience is the key
I warmed my oil to 180F this time, and filtered it at 140 or so. When it cooled too much I just warmed it up again.
The watmans seem to like warmer oil, i guess its just not as thick.
I was able to complete 10ml from beginning to end, including setup and cleanup in 2.5 hours vs the 4.5 it took last time
I am having a few issues in the measuring department and would like some thoughts.
My control bottle ended up 1ml short, thus i made 11 bottles instead of 10. I always sterilize an extra one encase something happens during the process.
Its not a big deal being short, its just my own stuff anyway. But if it was for someone else they might be upset
What are you guys doing for measurements to make sure your bottle input is consistent?
The lines on my syringes rub off during the process, so its too inaccurate.
Brew on,