sustanon450 at 900mg a week advice

Back off to around 600 to 750. You don't need that much to grow. Work on your diet more. With out better stats and knowing more about you cycle history. I am just taking a guess but I would probably still answer the same way.
There's no way it should of taken 12 wks for you to notice strength gains. 1 or more of 3 things is happening. 1.your diet sucks. 2.your training sucks. Or 3.your gear sucks. Up your cals, train for mass. You don't need that much gear if those 3 things are on point. You're just asking for more sides. Are you injecting eod? You have an AI? post cycle therapy (pct)? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? What are your stats? (age, height, weight, bf)
i think was because it was my first full 12 week cycle and i was also jogging alot while on and that might have hurt my gains but yeah 450 wed 450 fri 23, 5'7 or 5"8, 200lbs
Colt is right. It's one of those three things. Try a new diet, different gear, and train for mass. It's not due to jogging. That wont keep you from seeing strength gains.
i like Sustanon (sust) i wouldnt be repping 315 on the bench if it wasnt for Sustanon (sust) im just gonna stay on 900mg a week for 15 weeks and ill let you know my results
is it a bad thing to do 900mg a week? pretty sure i'll be seeing gains faster than at 500mg a week plus ive already been there and done that, im looking for strength gains more so than size and mass thats why im using so much
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Way too much man. Sustanon is a long ester so it can take guys 5 weeks to start seeing gains. I wouldn't run sustanon less than 12 weeks and would lower the dose to 600 and go 14 weeks.

Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because it's highly likely you will need it. If you are not making they type of gains you want, increase food intake not drug use. I mean that in the best way. All of us have been guilty of not eating right or thinking we are eating more than we really are. If not making gains at 500-600 especially as a newer user then you have to update your diet and possibly your training. Heavy weights low reps if you are trying to gain size.
and why did u come up with the wed/frid inject sched?? u'll be better off just injecting 1/2cc eod, or the smart thing would be to cut back to 600-700mg's per week and put more effort into your diet...
the Sustanon (sust) i have is 450mg per ml and i could do 450mg a week for 15 weeks what do you guys think of that?

i would just figure up a dose of 1.3cc's is 600mg/week and eat like a mofo,more gear isnt gonna make any difference,you will waste it,plus have sides out the wazuu,just keep it around 600mg/week and adjust the diet and you will see strength gains,maybe add some dbol for the 1st month,it will help you get off to a good start,you will see strength go up from the start,then when your sustanon kicks in in about 5 weeks you will be on your way,just make sure and eat brother
I already did a solid 4 week dbol cycle prior to this cycle all the dbol did was put weight on me no strength gains at all like i said i saw my bench go up drastically on week 11 to 12 on my sustanon cycle at 500mg a week i guess everybodys body reacts differently to gear just gotta do what I think is best for me but thanks for the advice and thoughts guys
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