Sutanon/Deca questions


New member
Hello all! I've been researching for an upcoming cycle and have a few questions. Some background info on me:

I have been consistently training for 6 years and have been really hitting it hard this past year. As of last year at this time I was about 170-175lbs (5'9) and real lean, currently I am 5'9 215lbs (23 years old) and pretty solid with about 11-12% bf so not too much of a fatty. I am very satisfied with my gains but would like to get another 10-15lbs lean muscle. Recently a friend of mine that I met about 6 months ago revealed to me that he could provide me with some stuff to take me to the next level. He's a bodybuilder/nutritionist and is really knowledgeable of the sport. Anyways, he recommended I do a cycle of sustanon 325 and deca 300.

My main questions are:

1) what dosage would be typical? this will be my first cycle so my friend recommended just a cc of each a week. I believe that would be Sustanon (sust) 325mg/week and deca 300mg/week. Would that be sufficient or should I up the doses? I have read that the test to deca ratio should be 2:1 -- should I do 1.5 cc Sustanon (sust) and 1 cc of deca?? help me out yall!

2) I have read all over the place that first cycle should be TEST ONLY to asses one's tolerance and reaction/sides. If i decided to just run the Sustanon (sust) 325 by itself should I do 2cc a week? so 650mg/week?

Of the two I am really leaning more toward the Sust/Deca cycle so please help me out on that one.

3) My source says that an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not necessary during cycle but that a serm like Nolvadex can be used when sides pop up. Should I get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex despite his advice? Im aware that everyone will react differently but he says he's never needed an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle and that when sides occur he will just take some nolva. Is this wise? btw I believe I am prone to gyno so keep that in mine.

Thanks in advance for your help guys!
OMG!! Bro I hate to tell you but that trainer/nutritionist of yours is not giving a shit about you or having any compassion what so ever for your hormones and your aas experience. You run the test first and thats that. I would pin that sus twice a week mon thurs at 500mg/week. The main thing he should have talked to you about was diet because thats what makes the wheels turn. Dont run the need to see how the test treats your need to find out what sides will occur from test and what test makes you feel like i.e. the effects. I hate nolva during a cycle myself...shit is weak. I think you def need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex. Everyone reacts different on the stuff but a true Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will work far better than nolva. And if your prone to gyno then an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is a must!

your first cycle is the base to your entire aas is very important to run test only!
yes always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand how he reacts means shit for how you re going to react. Have some aromasin on hand and save the nolva for pct.
I see guys in the gym running all kinds of shit for their first cycles, It's not the way to go..Dipdotz, I'll put it to you this way. My first cycle I ran Sustanon (sust) only, and had no side effects. My second cycle I ran Test and Deca, and I got a few different sides. If I had ran the Test and Deca as my first cycle, than I wouldn't have known what compound was giving them to me.
I ran my first cycle of Sustanon (sust) for 10 weeks, and wish I would have went 12..Just letting you know.
thanks for the quick reply! so the Sustanon (sust) only cycle would definitely be the better first cycle. I think he only has Sustanon (sust) 325 so how should I break that up to make 500mg/week? a little more than 3/4 of a cc each pop?

in regards to the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if i cant get the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from him I saw RUI-products on the top of the forum has some liquid AI's --- Any good?
thanks for the quick reply! so the Sustanon (sust) only cycle would definitely be the better first cycle. I think he only has Sustanon (sust) 325 so how should I break that up to make 500mg/week? a little more than 3/4 of a cc each pop?

in regards to the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if i cant get the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from him I saw RUI-products on the top of the forum has some liquid AI's --- Any good?

so if you have 325mg/ml and you want 250mg per shot then you divide 250 by 325 which is .76 so you would need to fill your syringe to .75 and thats how much you need per shot...and when he tells you that we are all stupid dont back down...he is a seller and he wants to make his money so make sure you realize his aggenda

rui g2g
good shit guys! i really appreciate it. So planning on:

weeks 1-12: Sustanon (sust) 500mg/week
(.75 cc mon/thurs)
weeks 1-12 Adex .25mg EOD (bump it up to .5mg EOD??)

Nolva 20/20/40/40

Sound goo guys?
OMG!! Bro I hate to tell you but that trainer/nutritionist of yours is not giving a shit about you or having any compassion what so ever for your hormones and your aas experience. You run the test first and thats that. I would pin that sus twice a week mon thurs at 500mg/week. The main thing he should have talked to you about was diet because thats what makes the wheels turn. Dont run the need to see how the test treats your need to find out what sides will occur from test and what test makes you feel like i.e. the effects. I hate nolva during a cycle myself...shit is weak. I think you def need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex. Everyone reacts different on the stuff but a true Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will work far better than nolva. And if your prone to gyno then an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is a must!

your first cycle is the base to your entire aas is very important to run test only!
indeed...test only
good shit guys! i really appreciate it. So planning on:

weeks 1-12: Sustanon (sust) 500mg/week
(.75 cc mon/thurs)
weeks 1-12 Adex .25mg EOD (bump it up to .5mg EOD??)

Nolva 20/20/40/40

Sound goo guys?

got the nolva backwards lol 40/40/20/20 and you dont have to titrate the adex unless its not working good enough
haha my bad I was in a hurry had to take a quiz before 12. but ya Nolva 40/40/20/20

Thanks a lot guys! appreciate all the help! look for my cycle thread coming soon!