Switching from PH to The Real Deal/ Best form of Test


New member
Hello Yalll, a belated merry Christmas and Happy upcoming new Year to everyone
I know we are all going to crush those resolutions :D

As many of you are probably aware, congress has passed a ban on all designer steroids.

My story is this. Ran 2 cycles of PH over the last year (pretty heavy fora beginner), Currently running my first cycle of peptides. The PH broke down the first mental barriers, and the benefits encouraged me to continue. This current pep cycle broke the barrier of pinning and again I am enjoying the benefits as well as the research.

currently 6'4'' 230 about 10% body fat.

I am planning for my next cycle to start in March.

My questions are as follows:
1)What is the best form of Test for someone at my level? I am looking for the deal here, not ph subs.
2)I plan to stack my peptides (lr3 & des) with this cycle
3)I have a cycle of Methyl-sten and 19-Norandrostenediol, would it be wise to stack this with my first T cycle, or possibly any future cycles?

Thanks for ya'lls help!
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Aas are much different then prohormones and in my opinion injectables are safer. As for a first cycle it needs to be test only so you know how your body reacts. Also what is your age? There are a lot of stickies for information about first cycle plus you need to research for pct protocol and an AI and hcg while on cycle. All of this can be found in the stickies.
Good to move away from ph's. I like guaranteed oils much better. However, I too started with ph's. Follow Hiram1sts advice. That link should be a sticky. Follow it like a bible. If you have a reliable source for peps( please do not share) then if you have enough for one month in both des and lr3 then I'd use des as soon as your test kicks in for the synergistic effect and the supposed site specific hyperplasia (purely brologic and theory). Save lr3 for pct and run it tthroughout pct. There is no scientific proof of hyperplasia but the glucose disposal will certainly help maintain those gains from the test only cycle. And next cycle save your money and hit up 3J instead of using peps. I too love peps but diet plus training from that fine gentleman are far greater than any peptide.
Thank a ton ya'll.

I am decently knowledgeable on PCT and read the posted thread a few months ago, but will certainly study it more closely as I engage in what I know to be a serious decision.

Full Gold, thanks for the advice on peps. And @bigboss I am 23... I know it's a bit young.

Thanks for the advice will continue to check back as more questions arise.
I think you need 50 posts to pm regular members. You can pm mods or the staff. As for adding friennds not sure
I also am using 30 gauge pins for my peps (Sub-cue)

If I want to go IM I will probably need larger, correct?
30 guage is just how thin the needle which depends on the outer and inner diameter. Typically most insulin needles will be 1/2 inch in length. If you shoot sub q then you will always go systemic and this is the same for IM injections. The theory is if you inject igf into a muscle then it will work in a more local fashion. However, if you workout hard and cause muscle damage in a specific site then I find it hard to believe that igf Injected sub q will not find its way to those damaged muscle fibers. This cycle I plan on shooting IM with my igf-1 lr3 because I will be using my hcg sub q in belly fat. I'd prefer that site not feel/ look like a pin cushion. If you want that 1/2 inch needle to hit muscle I recommend you push harder and cause the skin and subq fat to dimple or simply shoot in muscles with less fat that you worked out.
Also my best results with igf lr3 were by using 50 mcg (25,25 bilateral) for 20 days. However, I work out Monday-Friday and shoot igf the following morning so 50 mcg Tuesday-Saturday. I'm sure you have your own protocol but I find this most effective and thought I'd share.
Get 50 posts as mentioned above and then you can pm anybody. Also, just stick to a test only cycle because it's your first. YOU WILL ALSO WANT AN AI, CLOMID, AND NOLVADEX!!!!!!!!!! Don't make a rookie mistake and start without it or just have some for "on hand". Don't be that guy to fuck up yourself and regret it later. What's your age? If you're less than 25 then don't do it. Good luck to you.
Get 50 posts as mentioned above and then you can pm anybody. Also, just stick to a test only cycle because it's your first. YOU WILL ALSO WANT AN AI, CLOMID, AND NOLVADEX!!!!!!!!!! Don't make a rookie mistake and start without it or just have some for "on hand". Don't be that guy to fuck up yourself and regret it later. What's your age? If you're less than 25 then don't do it. Good luck to you.