Swoleburn Updated Pics


Gettin Swole
Here are a couple new pics from my cutting cycle. 267lbs in these pictures. Would like to get down to about 255-260


Back picture kinda sucks but its the best I could do taking the picture myself.

awesome swole! you can see a big difference between these and the other pics; i love the tats as well!
Thanks for the positive feedback, specially MNX!!! :) I will post more pics as I see improvements...Tryin to get a 6 pack....Damn dieting sux
wow awesome work bro, you're looking like 9-9.5% BF. I remmeber your pic at 315(I think) awesome progress. You must be a monster though at 255 looking that lean!!! I hope your a nice guy!
mind if i steal your tat? I'm looking for one, and that looks like what i want.
I guess you're not a "Fat McDonalds Eating MotherFucker" any more bro!!! J/K!

Looking good big guy

lookin good.. looks like you might hold some of your fat in the quads, if you drop some more bf you will be huge and ripped, not something you see too often, good work