Synergistic effect when running tbol with HGH?

Unnatty Lifter

New member
Hi, considering running solo tbol with HGH. Aiming to use HGH long term (to maintain a youthful appearance and good body comp), but wondering if there's a synergistic effect with these two compounds like there is between HGH and testosterone?

Also would 4iu 5/7 be a good dosage, or too little?
what are your stats?

6'0 196 lbs, around 15% body fat.

Mostly just want to know if there is synergy between these two substances and what I can expect.

I've seen varying advice for tbol, ranging from running for 4 weeks, to extending to 8 - 10 weeks with a bump in the dose. Some say 40 mg is the sweet spot, others say 60 mg with a bump to 80. Can be confusing.

I would enjoy leaning out a bit and adding a few pounds of solid, keepable gains.
looks good, hows it going so far, any sides?

Not started yet, have a vacation in a week for 2 weeks, planning to start the cycle in roughly 4 weeks from now.

Any advice on the GH and whether it's worth adding or not, and whether it'd be better to go for a recomp with maintenance calories (or slightly above maintenance) or to do a typical bulk and cut?