syno conversion question


From the Infernos of Hell
Got this from a website for syno conversion had a question about question 2. after the filteration in question 2 is complete is it the stuff in the filter you use or the what has drained out. hope someone can answer this.
Step 1 - Dissolve Pellets in Methanol
Step 2 - Filtration
Filter out the binders, squeezing the last drops of methanol solution out of the filter. You now have a methanol solution containing approximately 1g estradiol benzoate and 10g test prop.

Step 3 - Estrogen Solubilization
Add contents of the estrogen solubilizer vial to the methanol solution. Let this stand for 1 hour, no more, no less. Some precipitation may occur, that is ok.
Step 4 - Test Prop Recovery
Add 500ml water to the methanol solution. It will look like milk when the water is added, this is the test prop coming out of solution. Let this sit for 5-10 minutes, until it looks filterable (clumpy, not like milk).
Step 5 - Filtration
Filter out the test prop as described. Let the filter completely drain, then rinse with water. Repeat this rinsing 2 more times. Now you have pure testosterone propionate, allow it to dry and it is ready for processing.
Prop is so cheap now id never go through all that hassle again.....but if thats your thing, go with it and i wish you luck.

Gator :)