Syno Conversion ?


New member
Ive been reading up on this research experiment alot ,just wondering what you guys feel are the good the bad and the ugly-is it worth the hassle and can just a normal dumbass like me complete the experiment with say Dazed"s kit? Thanks much fellas
I did syno. Funny when guys say "just find a good powder source" lol its not that easy.

Only thing that sucked for me with syno conversion is the filtering. I ended up buying like 10 more whatmans. I'm not sure what happened. I don't know if the filtering is supposed to be really slow. I just said screw it and bought more. Came out with a nice looking product.
I've done quite a few Syno conversions and find them fun and cathardic! One thing that should be used instead of regular jars, is beakers or some kind of container with an easy pour spout. This way spilling anything is kept to a minimum.

Even estrogen has never been an issue as the estrogen solubolizer takes care of most of it. Then l-dex @ .25mgED and Nolva @ 20mg ED will take care of the rest.
Hellbent said:
I did syno. Funny when guys say "just find a good powder source" lol its not that easy.

Only thing that sucked for me with syno conversion is the filtering. I ended up buying like 10 more whatmans. I'm not sure what happened. I don't know if the filtering is supposed to be really slow. I just said screw it and bought more. Came out with a nice looking product.

you did something wrong if you used that many filters.
10 filters for prop...

darn bro you should have just used a UG lab. for that amount you spent there you could have bought human grade gear.
I worded that wrong I didn't use all 10 I ended up using 5 total. I got sick of waiting for the dripping. They weren't totally clogged but they seemed like it was taking forever.

Steps were pretty easy, not sure what I could of done wrong. I think when it was drying my apartment is really dusty - not sure if that could of effected it. But I have heard other people having problems filtering snyo too.