T Cream Testing in Sports


New member
Hi all, new here. Hope you can help.

So i'm on CJC1295, MGF2000, SARMS Forte and T Cream.

I'm a competitive athlete and subject to testing.

I need to make sure i don't go pos.

Any advice on half life and whether these show up even?

Thanks in advance.
Best to test YOURSELF.

Both hair and urine test s are available at ANY lab co and arrangements can be made. Fuck if s ; u need to know. Urine $40-60 almost instant results; hair 150 plus with a 2-4 day faxed result depending on work load and urgency w court ordered test taking priority..

Also passyourdrugtest.com sells ANY and all countermeasures including AAS.

I KNOW THIS. 3-0 w coast guard; 2-0 family court.
I believe there are two tests that can catch you. Test;Epitest ratio test, and there's another really expensive test that looks at the actual molecule or something. I dont remember.
Best to test YOURSELF.

Both hair and urine test s are available at ANY lab co and arrangements can be made. Fuck if s ; u need to know. Urine $40-60 almost instant results; hair 150 plus with a 2-4 day faxed result depending on work load and urgency w court ordered test taking priority..

Also passyourdrugtest.com sells ANY and all countermeasures including AAS.

I KNOW THIS. 3-0 w coast guard; 2-0 family court.

Thanks for the advice will follow up asap.
I believe there are two tests that can catch you. Test;Epitest ratio test, and there's another really expensive test that looks at the actual molecule or something. I dont remember.

Carbon isotope test examines the the type of steroid and determines if it's endogenous(natural, some bio identical) or exogenous(non human sourced chemically created) testosterone.
Best to test YOURSELF.

Both hair and urine test s are available at ANY lab co and arrangements can be made. Fuck if s ; u need to know. Urine $40-60 almost instant results; hair 150 plus with a 2-4 day faxed result depending on work load and urgency w court ordered test taking priority..

Also passyourdrugtest.com sells ANY and all countermeasures including AAS.

I KNOW THIS. 3-0 w coast guard; 2-0 family court.

Is is by far the best advice you'll fnd unless you have other options like management by a dedicated sports medicine/anti aging clinic that will help you skirt the rules. Still, they have will have their interest ahead of your own.