t3 dosing for women??

very good advice Dawg :)
The advice you gave is very sound and widely accepted :) thank you!!!

i however do not use the 2 week break, although i was never one to go with the flow lol... i do not feel it i necessary.. maybe i have great receptors lol.. but 2 weeks is overkill IMO..
i run it 2 weeks on, then 2 days on 2 days off for another 2 weeks and then take 1 week off.. then i stick with the 2 on 2 off...
It is what has worked in the past and what several of my friends do and we all seem to be happy with that program..

Other women i know only take clen on the workout days and are off on other days.. i sometimes do this plan too, however IMO it is not as effective as consistency..

You can never beat consistency!!

but bringing in the clen at the high point of T3 is almost necessary as to maintain muscle mass or else without an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or clen, the T3 will eat right through the muscle..
I start to clen the 2nd week into my T3 cycle which i actually just started back up on yesturday :)

I run my dosages a bit higher..
i start day 1-4 at 25mcg.. i skip the 12.5 startup.. BUT i always taper a bit longer and real low dosages.. just to prevent a rebound, although a little one always seems inevitable :rolleyes:

Good luck Taena!! Keep us posted
supergirl said:
very good advice Dawg :)
The advice you gave is very sound and widely accepted :) thank you!!!

i however do not use the 2 week break, although i was never one to go with the flow lol... i do not feel it i necessary.. maybe i have great receptors lol.. but 2 weeks is overkill IMO..
i run it 2 weeks on, then 2 days on 2 days off for another 2 weeks and then take 1 week off.. then i stick with the 2 on 2 off...
It is what has worked in the past and what several of my friends do and we all seem to be happy with that program..

Other women i know only take clen on the workout days and are off on other days.. i sometimes do this plan too, however IMO it is not as effective as consistency..

You can never beat consistency!!

but bringing in the clen at the high point of T3 is almost necessary as to maintain muscle mass or else without an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or clen, the T3 will eat right through the muscle..
I start to clen the 2nd week into my T3 cycle which i actually just started back up on yesturday :)

I run my dosages a bit higher..
i start day 1-4 at 25mcg.. i skip the 12.5 startup.. BUT i always taper a bit longer and real low dosages.. just to prevent a rebound, although a little one always seems inevitable :rolleyes:

Good luck Taena!! Keep us posted
thanks SG , ps i too am not a big believer on ramping up slowly but save the time and t3 to ramp down slower ending in 12.5 mcg every other day the last week or so
DADAWG said:
thanks SG , ps i too am not a big believer on ramping up slowly but save the time and t3 to ramp down slower ending in 12.5 mcg every other day the last week or so

yup yup.. that is a solid plan!! :)