T4 and how to cycle it?

ive used the "search button" so much using t4, T4, levothyroxine, and all im comming with is alot of T3, cytomel posts. so, if theres any T4 gurus:

1.) how should T4 be cycled doseage wise and for how long?
2.) should the dose be taken all at once or split throughout the day?
3.) should it be slowly pyramided up then slowly tapered off like T3?
4.) what other supplements MUST be taken with T4?
5.) what other supplements can be taken and be helpful with T4?
6.) please post all other suggestions/advice/personal opinions/ whats worked best for you? thanks all... any info is very appreciated!

should it be slowly pyramided up then slowly tapered off like T3?
ive used the "search button" so much using t4, T4, levothyroxine, and all im comming with is alot of T3, cytomel posts. so, if theres any T4 gurus:

1.) how should T4 be cycled doseage wise and for how long?
2.) should the dose be taken all at once or split throughout the day?
3.) should it be slowly pyramided up then slowly tapered off like T3?
4.) what other supplements MUST be taken with T4?
5.) what other supplements can be taken and be helpful with T4?
6.) please post all other suggestions/advice/personal opinions/ whats worked best for you? thanks all... any info is very appreciated!

Taking Other Medications/supps with T4

Aluminum hydroxide (found in some antacids)
Calcium supplements.
Colestid and cholestyramine (absorbs bile)
Iron supplements.
Magnesium supplements.
Raloxifene (an osteoporosis treatment)
Sucralfate (for ulcers)
Soy-based foods.
t4 is nearly useless for fat loss/bodybuilding purposes... it gets completely metabolized by the body leaving way less than the 1-4 ratio of t3 mentioned above

Get some t3, it’s safe and effective