T4 help on women


New member
Hi, I am taking Winstrol (winny) right now just 25mgcc/wk, i once took it before at 50mg/wk but got too many side effects so im going slower now. I want to take T4 to speed up my metabolism, but when i come off will my metabolisim slow down too much , or go back to how it was? any help would be great! thanks
I eat so healthy every 2-3hrs protein, veggies, some fruit and complex carbs. I workout 2hrs a day. Usually cardio for an hour and weights for the other hour. My legs still seem too carry all the fat! I want my metabolism to speed up so I have a few samples of T4 but don't want to take them if its not going to be good. I am 5'4 125lbs, 11.5%bodyfat, 26.5'inch waste. 34'hip. So I'm not fat, but I want all lean muscle:) My boyfriend has to eat like a horse to keep weight on because he has an overactive thyroid, so I would like to speed mine up so Im not just eating veggies and chicken all the time. And to become more lean of coarse! I am just worried about side effects. Is there anything other than T4 that would be better? clen, tren?